Thursday, February 18, 2021

Quickies: Water, the Source of Life

If on the last "Quickies" (and the very first one as such) the issue of electricity partially came up, now I want to discuss about its good friend, water. Occasionally, it's an issue that comes up at different parts and times of my life. Evidently, it's a very important thing - someone I know very well often says that most people grab for water or do something with water as the very first thing to do in the morning, as opposed to, say, grabbing a fistful of cash. It's like how the Pokémon species Lotad is purported to seek sources of clean water by foot (and thereby can indicate such sources), except on a more daily basis. I won't disagree with that, and the resemblance with Pokémon lore only affirms things further. In this way, the sources for water are also very important, and that seems to become part of the issue.

Now, I live close to a river, but that's not from where my water source comes from - that would invite all the Qwilfish and Tentacool into my home. I get my water, like most everyone else, from the local clean water provider, and that should please any Pokémon that loves clean water, including but not limited to Lotad. However, that doesn't mean that everything remains peachy all the time. I've had various problems with the supply at times, whether on my end or their end. The resolution of those problems are sometimes simple and other times not so simple. For the ones that are not so simple, it would be a miracle if I had a Pokémon that could be able to help fix them in addition to whatever efforts I and other people can make in order to do so. 

Without a doubt, water is the source of life for both Pokémon and real life. But then, it's also a possible source of problems for not only what's in it but also what carries it. To keep it as the source of life it can and should be means to maintain its supply and worthiness of being used and consumed. If anything, aside from Pokémon that thrive in water with less-than-worthy quality and are not really in need of water, most species could actually thank one for doing so. The upkeep will be both the challenge and the reward for something that is as precious to both people and the creatures they are interrelated with.

One year ago: To Lure or to Walk?
Two years ago: Mewtwo @ Everywhere
Four years ago: Pokémon Art on Walls

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