Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Long-Winded Side of Things

People who are frequent readers of this blog may have noticed something peculiar about the titles of posts for this month, as seen on the right-hand side of the blog (when viewed as a desktop site, for those on portables). Many of them are long and span two lines or more, for this month outnumbering one-line titles. This may be something that is a common occurrence for many of the months that I've written posts in on this blog, but it's something that's particularly noticeable for this month, which is why I've called attention to it in order to flesh out what it means or might mean for me, this blog, and Pokémon as the subject matter of this blog.

I probably should mention that to a large extent, the long titles were not intentionally made to be such. Most of them just happened to occur that way, in order to communicate the essence of the posts that I make. The appearance of this blog in particular may also help, as with a different appearance, the titles might actually appear shorter, and some of those two-liners might actually be just a one-liner. But if I were to attribute a reason for the long titles, it may be that the month of March this year has been one of upheavals, with all that has gone on with me personally as well as the world of Pokémon and the real world beyond. I therefore had to be more descriptive in the titles to show a greater glimpse of my posts.

As for longer titles being a segue to longer posts, that may be but not necessarily a given. The subject of post length is actually one that I've discussed 15 months ago in the end-of-year post for 2018, wherein I've said that the posts on this blog becoming longer constitutes an "evolution" in Pokémon terms, a development of sorts. That's something that has naturally occurred over the course of this blog. I could make longer titles to take into account the longer content of those longer posts, but I don't need to; I can let the titles of the posts reflect what I write in them independently of their content, and that's more satisfying than having the titles be dictated by the length of the posts.

In the future, long posts that may or may not be accompanied by long titles will remain a certainty. That is of course part of the grand vision of eventually being able to write something (a book, if it may) that I and other Pokémon fans can take pride in. It's something that I've mentioned time and time again on this blog, and I still believe it's a lofty yet noble goal even in times like these. It remains a clear vision in a time when everything suddenly became blurry, seemingly in contrast to what I've already noted at the beginning of the year. It's as clear as the belief that I'll still be able to have Pokémon and be able to relate to it somehow, especially through this blog.

The long titles of many of this month's blog posts may not mean too much of anything. It may just simply be something that is a happenstance. Yet, happenstances themselves may only be a figment of perception, and therefore the recent long titles do mean something. What it seems to mean, considering the recent upheavals as well as my persistence with Pokémon, is that I still have many things to say. Given the case, it may serve me well to be able to write about Pokémon as much and as long as I like, and to be long-winded about it from time to time.

One year ago: Cosplay: ONEGAI Bunkasai 2019 - Eiyuu no Uprising
Two years ago: Mauville's Progress
Three years ago: Nostalgia: Episode 672 - "Here Comes the Trubbish Squad!"

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