Monday, December 31, 2018

Two Years of Evolution

Well, it's a little hard to believe, but it's now definite. This is my post on the final day of this year, and with it, I have blogged for two full years about Pokémon. On this occasion, I want to discuss something special. One of the key concepts in Pokémon is evolution, wherein one species changes to another species with more advanced features. I'd say the same could be said to apply to the posts on this blog in different respects, but these are still representative of an "evolution".

One of the things that have evolved in the posts on this blog is the length of the posts. When I started this blog, the posts were considerably short; they were maybe two or three paragraphs, and they were pretty short because the sentences were short and few as well. The posts could also sometimes fit on the page without scrolling due to their overall length. Now, many posts are somewhat long, with a few more paragraphs and several sentences in each of those paragraphs. It seems that since then I've "found my voice" and become comfortable in putting in more information wherever it is needed, especially if they highly contribute to the topic at hand. This evolution is a significant one, since blog posts rely to a great extent on the verbal content.

Speaking of the content, that has evolved too. There's still quite a bit of personal content, but there has been a bit more objective content regarding the games, which is in part thanks to me returning to play Pokémon Go, and then there is creative content with involvement of Ash and Pikachu in certain posts. Pictures and images have also grown in number; as people say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so the use of pictures are to supplement the words I already put down in my posts. If the previous kind of evolution is akin to species evolving into other species, this kind of evolution is akin to certain Pokémon evolving into their Mega forms in battle: it's minor, but nonetheless significant.

Throughout the past two years, I've developed the "means to evolve", so to speak. Each time I post is like making a contribution to my "XP total". When I post images, that's like furnishing an "evolution item"; just like how there are many kinds of the latter, there are a few kinds of the former, and I'm always conceiving new ones. In many of my posts, there are certain kinds of wording, and whenever these get included, that's like furnishing another "prerequisite" for evolution. Just like how different species of Pokémon evolve in different ways, my posts provide the different "means to evolve" as necessary.

Evolution is not an absolute necessity, as may be indicated in the Pokémon games and anime, but it is a natural step to take. For Pokémon that can and do evolve, that is a great thing indeed. That said, whereas evolution for Pokémon is finite depending on the species, the evolution of posts on this blog is gradual, continuous, and indefinite; that is still a great thing. Moreover, Pokémon as a whole also "evolves" as time passes, and that is its own natural step. As I continue to enjoy Pokémon and to cover things about it on this blog, I evolve as well; that too is a great thing.

For those who have been reading my blog from the beginning, I thank you for "having evolved" with me; for those who have just recently started reading, I hope that you do continue to read and that we may be able to "evolve" together. I'm sure that in the next year, there may lots of opportunities where we and Pokémon may evolve. Cheers! 😀

One year ago: One Year Full of Pokémon

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