Tuesday, May 8, 2018

(High Noon at the) Local Ex-Raid, 5/8/2018

It is time, once again, for another Ex-Raid. This Ex-Raid brings back memories of when I first participated in them, as it took place in the daytime, but there are a few differences. As the title of this post indicates, the Ex-Raid took place at precisely high noon (12 PM), and since the weather had warmed up recently, it was also the hottest part of the day. And of course, this is no longer my first, and I am now sufficiently able to make better headway through it.

Everyone got their invites the same way - by raiding the Gym at the same place - but that doesn't mean everyone was successful in the bonus capture at that point. Notably, I let go of a Houndoom that I and some others had been victorious over. A similar instance had occurred in the past with a Machamp instead. Fortunately, these incidences did not stop me from getting the Ex-Raid passes, and that's a good thing. They are after all only small bonuses on the way to a bigger bonus, which is Mewtwo.

As hot as today was, my Mewtwo bonus today wasn't so hot. It was again subpar as the one from the previous Ex-Raid, though I did formally capture it. Also, today's battle (as part of my battle flight) wasn't so smooth, though I did scrape by. The good thing was that this time everyone was able to choose the battle flight they wanted (or are able) to participate in, instead of it being predetermined by someone prior. The fact that this is a mid-week Ex-Raid probably suits this system. Still, maybe I should have chosen a different flight.

This is what's left after a high-noon, mid-week Ex-Raid.
I took the picture.

After the Ex-Raid concluded, the ones that were left, including me, decided to try their luck and bid for a last-last chance Latias and a possible Shiny Wailmer. Neither succeeded; a few let go of the Latias, including me, and no one encountered a Shiny Wailmer. If at least Mewtwo went well, then that is perhaps where the luck should be.

If the results are to be believed, then today is a good day for Mewtwo, even with the other things that play into the circumstances. If anything, there will always be things that play into the circumstances. As long as we work things out, then perhaps it will make just enough of a difference for the best we can hope for with the Ex-Raids and anything else around them.

One year ago: Ash and Pikachu Keychain

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