Wednesday, May 22, 2019

After All These Years

Three months ago, I already wrote on something significant that may be considered to occur on a specific date. That date is today. I've already delivered my perspectives, so it's time to let someone else do the delivering of perspectives.


Hi everyone. Today feels like any other day, but I'm glad that it's a special day too. I know it's been a long time since I started my journey, and sometimes it could be hard to tell where it really, really begins. It could also be hard for some people to believe, but we all start from somewhere, right? I do too, and so today is my day, my "birthday". That's neat for me, but it could be strange for others too.

To many people, it does seem like I've been with them for years and years - which includes you, my friend. I've gone through so many places, fought so many battles, won a lot, and lost a few too. To them, it might also seem strange that they don't know my "birthday". I can see how that is with my friend's past posts (see below), which didn't mention my "birthday" at all. The things that I do would take them years to do too.

But it seems no matter how long it's been, people seem to take me for who I am. I've been through many days and nights, and they're happy with that. I've been through just about everything, and they're fine with that. To me, it seems what matters to them is that they feel the way I feel. My "birthday" is of course special to me, but then so is my journey, my adventure. That wouldn't be possible to take in in a single day.

So whether or not people know about my "birthday", they still consider me to be a special person. With Pikachu and all my other Pokémon, we'll do what we can to succeed. It might take days and days for us, which might seem like years and years to other people. No matter how many of my "birthdays" pass, I'm sure that people who know me won't mind, and they'll continue to be with me - to grow old with me. That's a great thing.


Well, I couldn't have said it better myself. The birthday thing might seem as odd as it is special, but it's still wonderful to consider. On that note, a "happy birthday" is in order for Ash, however it may be regarded to what he does or has done.

One year ago: GiRL (Gyms in Real Life)
Two years ago: To Japan and Beyond

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