Friday, May 22, 2020

Let's Talk About Some Moments

Me: It's been a while since we had a full-on conversation like this, what with events or conventions halted due to the things that go on in the world.

Ash: Yeah, that's true. So, I guess we're going to have one now?

Me: Why not, if you're up for it.

Ash: Sure!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yeah!"]

Ash: What do you want to talk about?

Me: I figure we can talk about a few Pokémon moments that you and I are notably or neatly connected with, and others may relate to them as well.

Ash: You know, I've had some of them and you've had them too. So I guess this could be really neat, as you say.

Me: OK, so the first moment is when you went up against Liza and Tate, the twin Gym Leaders in the Hoenn region. You'll surely remember the Pokémon they had.

Ash: Lunatone and Solrock! Those were really difficult Pokémon to go up against. Pikachu and Swellow really did a swell job.

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Yes, we did!"]

Me: Likewise, they were difficult for me to go up against as well, at least the first time I met them. It took me several hours of effort before I could beat them, and I suppose within that time I achieved a "non-standard" way of doing so.

Ash: I got Pikachu to do a neat thing with the electricity to Swellow and they both charged in for the win. I guess you can call it cool, but it might also be "non-standard", as you say.

Me: See, that's the thing. For some people I know, it was a really weird thing, so after that, they got weirded out in watching you or others battle. Then again, those people are rather absorbed with the way the games work, so they probably don't have much to say about you in any case.

Ash: I can't say much about them, but I'm sure the game works differently than how things worked out for me. They don't have to work out exactly the same way, and I'm sure different games all work differently. They don't have to get weirded out by watching me - if it works out for me, it should please them.

Me: As you say, fair enough. I have to admit the way you dealt with the other Pokémon was spectacular. I'd go out of my way to be able to do what you did with Pikachu and Swellow.

Ash: Don't bend yourself over backwards. Whatever way works, works. For Pikachu and Swellow, their way is theirs, and I can only be glad they can do what they do. Isn't that true?

Pikachu: Pika pika, pika chu! ["Yes, I agree!"]

Me: Sure. So that one is pretty much resolved. Now, there's another interesting moment that happened not realistically, but imaginatively. Around two years ago, I dreamed a dream that had you in it, but it also had me in it, and I looked like you, more or less.

Ash: Whoa! That's a neat dream. I guess it would be odd seeing another one of me, but knowing that it's you, I would and could really have fun with you.

Me: I know, right? How do you feel about the place that the dream is in?

Ash: Well, you sometimes send me there, and it is really nice. I'm sure lots of Pokémon would be all around and we can go around to catch them all. We'd have a Wailmer of a time!

Me: Oh, and then there's the matter of taking selfies with my phone. I was excited about that until I found that it wasn't real. But how about you?

Ash: In my latest adventure, I can use a phone. I might not use it much to take selfies, but you doing it on yours would be a lot of fun for me too. It makes a really greater time. I love to have been a part of that dream.

Pikachu: Pika pika pika? [What about me?]

Ash: Pikachu seems to be asking where Pikachu might fit.

Me: Oh, I'm sure Pikachu is with us there; regardless, I'm glad to know you're glad for it. There's one more moment I want to discuss with you, but it's kind of a not-so-good one. I do want to talk about it with you since it's related to current happenings. Remember that time you got sick and had to stay in bed?

Ash: Oh. That was a terrible time. Because of a small accident, I was in bed all day. It wasn't fun, and I know you definitely agree about that.

Me: Yes, any which way you go, it was a really bad time. Now, it's unfortunately something that a good number of people have to go through.

Ash: I guess it pains me to see that happen, maybe as much as it was for you to see me when it happened for me. I hope you can stay safe and it doesn't happen to you.

Me: Believe me, I don't want it to happen either. It would totally disrupt everything. It is perhaps best not to discuss it any further. Speaking of the moments, there's one more important one. Happy "birthday". [Also see one year ago below.]

Ash: Hey, thanks! I appreciate it!

Pikachu: Pika pi-ka! ["Very nice!"]

Me: Nice, huh? So there are lots of Pokémon moments between you, us, and everyone. What becomes important is that we can appreciate all of them in context.

Ash: I get what you're saying. It's so nice that Pokémon can fit in so many ways for many different people, including us.

Pikachu: Pikachu. Pika pika pika! ["I agree. Very, very nice!"]

Me: I wouldn't have it any other way.

One year ago: After All These Years
Two years ago: GiRL (Gyms in Real Life)
Three years ago: To Japan and Beyond

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