Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Better for the World

Pokémon has been around for a good long while, and that will become significant some months down the road, yet I would like to think this will start soon. Meanwhile, this blog has been around for some time, and it has become significant for its size, though it hasn't been so for much else. However, taken separately and together, they may be considered to have a common goal, which is to make the world better. In my view, that is at least what happens.

One good intent that Pokémon has (and started out with) is to preserve and encapsulate digitally childhood memories, particularly that of tall grasses and what takes place in and around them. While today Pokémon has gone beyond those tall grasses of yore, Pokémon continues to show good impressions, create good feelings, and make good strides with what is present and sometimes what is absent. That surely has the aim of making things better.

As for myself with this blog, my concern is attempting to bring out as many good things as possible with what I deal with Pokémon. Some things like tournaments, contests, and such might not go in favorable ways, but there may still be shreds of good things to take away. Otherwise, there are still some favorable things that I can present with the hope that they become even more favorable to the world of the Pokémon fans who read the posts on this blog.

In these hard times, it can be a tough challenge to stay positive. I even occasionally find it a struggle to express the things I want to express in my posts about Pokémon and the things that surround it and myself. But then I look back at my earlier posts and consider the current situation (which I did for this particular post), and realize that it may not be as difficult as the struggle makes it out to be. That helps make things better for my world involving Pokémon and this blog.

Making the world better remains a noble goal, if anything. Whether it's for the endeavors of Pokémon things or the posts on this blog, there is the realization that this is the only way to go, and one wouldn't have it any other way. There is a certain significance for that in addition to the significance that both carries. I'm only happy to carry that significance through my blog posts as Pokémon does its things and becomes ever more significant with time, even soon.

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