Sunday, May 19, 2019

Pokémon Go Community Day, 5/19/2019

One of the themes for this month's Community Day in Pokémon Go might be "coincidences", as the Community Day for last year happened on the same exact date (see below), though certainly not the same day. Community Day in Pokémon Go is a monthly thing ever since its inception, but other than that, there's no regular schedule as to exactly when it is held within the month. That could lead to the possibility of one Community Day being held on the same date on a later year (or not), and such was the case today. It had to happen sooner or later, essentially.

The coincidences run further into the particulars. Last year's featured Pokémon of the month was Charmander, the first-generation Fire-type starter; this year, the featured Pokémon of the month was Torchic, the third-generation Fire-type starter. That's a neat parallel, which means that the March edition this year shared this parallel despite being on different days. The other bonus for this month is increased Stardust for captures, which is exactly the same as last year - another parallel. The rest of the particulars (Blast Burn for Blaziken's exclusive move as a starter, extended Lure Modules, and Shiny forms) are standard. There's quite a bit of coincidence there.

Personally, a theme that I experienced today is "unions". It could be said that this also parallels last year, which would mean this is another coincidence, but this year this theme seemed to be more pronounced. One of my raid fellows who typically spent Community Day elsewhere joined with me in my usual area, even going as far to help each other. There were also somewhat more of my raid fellows who joined in, some of which I hadn't seen in some time. Further, there was one person who I wanted to meet for some time but hadn't been able to... until today; this will likely deserve its own discussion in another post. All told, there were quite a bit of unions today as well.

From a technical standpoint, there were no real problems to speak of for this Community Day. Though the weather didn't lend itself for more powerful Torchic than usual, this wasn't any real issue. I did, however, experience login problems twice, which is something that generally happens with or without Community Day and that I may have to consider reporting. As well, today I could have chosen to accept an EX Raid invitation and forced similar circumstances as with the January Community Day, but I didn't. Overall, things turned out just fine.

The coincidences and unions make this Community Day a significantly meaningful one personally. No matter how other Community Days will proceed in the future, there will be a degree of sameness for certain iterations, and today had that to a great degree. And if things simply work out between players, then some kind of unity can be achieved. Those are great themes for a Community Day, as well as simply great things to consider beyond this setting.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Community Day, 5/19/2018
Two years ago: On the Mystery of Dungeons

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