Monday, May 21, 2018

Throwing Poké Balls

Anyone who's into Pokémon, especially those who have been into it long enough, knows of the device called the Poké Ball. It's the device that holds any Pokémon in capture for use by its owner, and the device is used by throwing it. Of course, any device, real or fictional, has finer points of its usage, and the Poké Ball would imaginably be no different. The throw of a Poké Ball is something that merits a discussion.

If you've read my post on throwing curveballs in Go, you'll no doubt recognize that this is a stylistic flair that makes it akin to throwing pitches in baseball. But in a way, that may be where things end. While the throw can be given elements of style, it need not be given a speed that is equal to many pitches in baseball. In that respect, perhaps the throw can be thought of as pitches in slow-pitch softball instead. Whatever happens, the ball does the rest of the work once someone throws it, whether for the capture or the release.

It's not hard to expect that given a Poké Ball, people could throw it in different ways, as per the game pitches above. Some people might throw the ball underhanded or overhanded, depending on preference or comfort. This would also apply to the stylistic preferences, which also may depend on the ability of, and the situation that applies to, someone throwing a ball. The possibilities of actions are enormous and diverse, the same as the people throwing the balls and the Pokémon involved.

All this may seem obvious, but they're a part of what makes the device what it is. At the end of the day, Poké Balls are thrown for all their uses, whether to capture a Pokémon in wait or to let loose a Pokémon for battle or any other purpose. However a person chooses to personalize these throws is fully up to the person, but what is clear is that the Poké Ball does depend on the throw for a good deal of its usage.

One year ago: Cosplay: East and West

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