Wednesday, May 31, 2017

I Need More Rumble World Players

After a long absence, I've gone back and replayed Pokémon Rumble World on my 3DS in my spare time while I wait for the Hearts in Shuffle to recover. The only problem is that progress is not going much faster than it was before the long absence. One of these is due to the fact that my Poké Diamonds are limited to what I can get without having to spend eShop funds for them, which I still cannot do. As I've mentioned in my Rumble rollup, more Poké Diamonds means more leverage to obtain more stuff in the game, not the least of which is Hot-Air Balloons to open up more areas and catch other Pokémon.

Getting Poké Diamonds without spending eShop balance is actually somewhat simple. The game allows "visitors" to drop into your game - these are other players you meet by StreetPass, SpotPass, or the "Call Someone" option. And each time you meet five visitors from any of these, you earn a Diamond. The "Call Someone" option, which nets three random players from the Internet, is free for the first time you use it each day, and then costs 10 Play Coins thereafter, exactly the maximum you can earn in a single day. Afterwards, the visitors may sometimes offer gifts of Diamonds when interacting with them.

Big batches of Diamonds are obtainable through "King's Requests", the mission mode of the game. By clearing the missions and completing the objectives, many Diamonds can be earned, though this takes some dexterity and patience. Finally, in the in-game shop, you can also grab one-time bundles of 10 Diamonds for fulfilling certain objectives, mostly related through incoming visitors as above. Even so, all of these methods require efforts that are not very little in dedication and/or time.

So the crux of the matter is that I could use the help of more Rumble World players around me. I find that I'm not quite a dexterous player, so it can be hard to complete the missions in order to obtain Diamonds, and I find it preferable to just venture and catch Pokémon while hoping to have stronger ones to aid the missions. For that, new Pokémon areas really help, but the last few Hot-Air Balloons require an immense number of Diamonds that is hard to obtain in a short time, except with some help from visitors and the Diamonds they provide. And thus I need visitors to keep the Diamonds rolling in.

Getting Diamonds, if you don't or can't use eShop funds to get more, is definitely a challenging part of this game aside from the gameplay itself. So much of the game is designed around them that it's hard to progress further with just a small amount. Yet, getting Diamonds through other methods is a gargantuan effort that requires patience and skill. It seems in my case I'll have to settle for gathering up a lot of those in addition to the Diamonds themselves.

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