Sunday, June 27, 2021

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 6/27/2021

As noted earlier, the Season of Discovery in Pokémon Go had begun at the start of the month. The word "discovery" can be taken to imply some things, including finding out about certain things or being able to encounter certain things directly. The events this month seem to be quite reflective of that fact and may be taken to comprise an initial "wave" of those discoveries, which also ought to occur all season long.

The first kind of discovery occurred really slowly in the first full week of the month, and it was aptly titled "A Very Slow Discovery". As can be expected, the event primarily involved the family of Pokémon that bears the quality: Slowpoke. More specifically, it was the debut of Galarian Slowpoke as well as Mega Slowbro, both certainly available in raids. The former also involved the debut of Galarian Slowbro, but not Galarian Slowking as of yet. Many other slow Pokémon, including some Poison types that can be caught to aid Slowpoke to evolve, complemented the event in the wild and raids. Other niceties involved some slow Field Research tasks, a Collection Challenge, new clothing and stickers, and an assistive item package. The event was billed as a way to take it slow, even if some Trainers still went at it rather quickly, especially with a complementary Special Raid Weekend sub-event that involved double Candy for all captures, increased Candy XL chance, and increased raids. Fast or slow may just be in the eyes of the beholder.

After the slow discovery, there was a more timely one. The changing of seasons in Pokémon Go also marks the change of seasons in real life, and thus there was the Solstice Event, for Summer in the northern hemisphere and Winter in the southern hemisphere, along the weekend of the second full week. A few Pokémon became globally available, including the return of Regigigas with its Shiny form in raids until the end of the month. Others became available in either of the two hemispheres in the wild, Field Research, and raids. To make the event quite enjoyable, the event was complemented with photobomb surprises by Lunatone and Solrock (temporarily appearing globally), and Buddy Pokémon got in on the fun by offering more Buddy gifts that may contain Poké Balls and not demanding as much walking distance for a heart. The timely occurrence thus also became a time of discovery.

Meanwhile, in the days from last Friday up to now and leading into the end of the month, there is yet another odd discovery. In a "Bidoof Breakout", the Pokémon have made their way with increased presence in the wild, raids, and Field Research, and even from Team Go Rocket in a Shadow state. What is more interesting is that Bidoof on specific days will know a unique Charged Move over periods of two days (first Shadow Ball, then Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam) when caught or taught by a Charged TM, and its evolution Bibarel will know Hyper Beam; further, in each period, a different catch XP multiplier is in place (first double, then triple, and quadruple), marking yet another opportunity to gain XP really quickly. The "Bidoof phenomenon" in effect was continued or perpetuated with this event.

The Season of Discovery has just begun, and there are already a few engaging (or enigmatic, or both) discoveries. Either way, they're still validly as such with opportunities to find out things, like with the solstice, or simply to encounter them, like with Slowpoke and Bidoof. Any Trainer, especially fervent ones, would be wise enough to keep these perspectives in mind in this season and even way beyond it.

Three years ago: Leaders
Four years ago: A Little Dream

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