Saturday, June 19, 2021

Earthing with Pokémon

Some weeks ago, I discovered "earthing", which may be considered a healing method of sorts. For those who know me very well or happen to be a frequent reader of this blog, though, they might be able to tell that I prefer a different sort of healing. Personally, I prefer to consider Pokémon as my healing method. But it may still be possible to consider both of them in tandem - both in a real sense and imaginative sense - and that becomes the purpose of this post, to explore the healing method of earthing along with Pokémon.

The healing method is as simple as can be. One spends time walking (in fact, not even having to walk - simply standing or sitting is good enough) with one's feet bare and exposed, and in contact with the ground or soil, and thus the earth; this also explains its alternative name of "grounding". The theory is that the electrons conducted by and trapped in one's body that cannot be conducted to any other surface otherwise can then be conducted to the ground. For those who deal with electronics day in and day out, the situation might be completely possible and earthing becomes a solution to that situation. As expected, gamers and especially Pokémon gamers, who are likely to deal with electronic devices, might find appeal with this healing method.

The integration of Pokémon with this healing method, though, may not be so simple. While one may not exactly want to play a console or mobile Pokémon game while executing this method of healing, which would defeat its purpose, one perhaps could stand to play a physical TCG match while doing so, and that would still work in a way. Other non-electronic Pokémon games could also stand to be played while executing the method. Else, if one really wanted to have something Pokémon while doing this method, it would have to be with a non-electronic Pokémon activity (such as reading the manga) or object (like a plush - Swampert would suit the theme) for the best experience possible.

As for actually imagining this occurring with Pokémon and in that world, it is certain that those of the Ground types naturally complement the method. They may not necessarily substitute for actual ground or soil for the method, but they could enhance the experience. Some of them can actually be ridden on (Rhyhorn in Kalos and Mudsdale in Alola come to mind), making them related even further to the execution of the method. It is also certain that anyone can partake in the method and not just those who are masters of said type, though surely they would be the ones that really master the method.

Being that I am quite attracted to Pokémon, I have to deal with its electronic aspect often. The healing method of earthing might serve well for this situation to offset its negative aspect. Considering how Pokémon is, it too might just have a place in its world to heal its people, but likely with a twist. With both the real and Pokémon worlds being "zappy" in some cases, earthing might just be quite appropriate no matter where one is.

Two years ago: LINE Pokémon Emoji
Three years ago: The Super Incubator

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