Sunday, June 13, 2021

Let's Talk About Pursuing Our True Selves

Me: Well, I had an idea for a "Let's Talk" that wasn't a regular "Let's Talk", but to "protect the innocent", so to speak, I've decided to shelve it and have a regular one instead.

Ash: I understand. Something happened that really affected you and me both today, so it may be good not to talk about it for now.

Pikachu: Pi, pika pika. ["Guess I'd agree."]

Me: Instead, we'll try to approach it indirectly. I thought of a phrase I encountered once, which would be "pursuing my true self". Apply it to us, and it becomes "pursuing our true selves".

Ash: That's a neat phrase. You know, I think it really does describe us very much.

Me: OK, so I'll start with myself. Now, you don't need me to tell you that I love Pokémon. You can see it right now here.

Ash: That's very true. Your taking the time to talk with me-

Pikachu: Pika! ["And me!"]

Ash: -and Pikachu makes it clear.

Me: I find that my true self lies with Pokémon. I identify with so many things about it that I do want to express as many things as possible with it - and possibly be rewarded as a result. That's in part why I sent you to places and do certain things, to pursue just that. As far as I'm concerned, Pokémon is noble, and I'd like to follow suit.

Ash: I know, and I feel the same in a way. I can't get to where I am today if it weren't for Pokémon. All my partners, from those still with me to those in different places, have helped in all my journeys, even if sometimes I wasn't very successful. I've found, even pursued, my true self with Pokémon, and part of my true self also lies with them.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika? ["What about me?"]

Ash: Of course, Pikachu is my most trusted partner, so you can say that's where much of my true self mostly lies.

Me: I wouldn't disagree, which leads us to today. I intended to pursue my true Pokémon self - by you even - and things got a little bit out of hand, as I heard.

Ash: It did. On one hand, it may have not have been the best intent to send me. But on the other hand, I think you said once that achievements don't come by themselves, so I understand. It was part of the process.

Me: As you can tell. Did you feel threatened?

Ash: I felt like I was about to get caught by your world's version of Officer Jenny.

Me: It was that serious. I suppose it was in part bad timing, unluckiness, and just poor foresight on everyone's part, including ours. So we have to apologize in some capacity.

Ash: Apologies.

Pikachu: Pi... ka. ["Apologies."]

Ash: While I did what I did, though, I met one of your friends. I heard from you that he was having problems earlier, and those seem to be related to what we're talking about.

Me: Oh, that. Let me explain. He's well-known and respected, including by us - he once assisted for an old version of your outfit - but his problem was that a lot of people look up to him like an "idol" and he seemingly doesn't deserve such an honor and all the things that go with it, like printing photo books of his character friends and then sharing that with his grateful fans.

Ash: It's funny how your friend is considered like that but he denies it, while we're also well-known and respected, but nobody considers us like one. What if you printed a photo book of you sending me?

Me: That is an excellent idea that I've wanted to execute with your help for a long time, but it just hasn't happened yet. I may have to tug on the heartstrings of some people in order to make things happen with you and certainly Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Sure!"]

Ash: The problem was his "pursuing his true self", wasn't it?

Me: You could call it that, sure. So maybe sometimes there are problems with the process. But I and we should be able to solve them all.

Ash: It's like we're all within a maze of links.

Me: But within that, we continue living regardless of who we meet.

Ash: And we try to get to know the "sea" of their minds, the unconscious.

Me: And more importantly, we search for hearts and pursue our true selves.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu, pika chu! ["That sounds familiar!"]

Me: I think we might break into a song any time now.

Two years ago: Chaos and Darkness

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