Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Subspace Emissary Buddies Poster

Pokémon has few crossovers, but when they happen, they're a blast. Many of those crossovers involve (more precisely, come about by) the Super Smash Bros. series of games, which itself involves many major Nintendo franchises and even some outside of Nintendo. But by and large, those of Nintendo are the ones mostly involved, naturally involving Pokémon. Recently, I obtained a piece of merchandise that exemplifies one of these crossovers in the form of a poster containing artwork.

Before presenting the artwork, it helps to explain the background behind it. In a prior installment, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, there is a play mode called "Subspace Emissary" that can be loosely described as an adventure platformer with the core game mechanics. One of the parts of that mode features Nintendo's Metroid franchise along with its main protagonist Samus (in Zero Suit form) eventually going up against the boss, Ridley. Along the way, Samus receives help from a character that is as zippy as herself, and that would be the de facto mascot of Pokémon, none other than Pikachu. Those who play the games consider the two as "buddies" by this fact, and the poster that I obtained is emblematic of this relationship.

The poster shows Samus holding her red helmet while Pikachu (with special guest Pichu) rests in the helmet. The art style seemingly makes them appear from a manga or anime, but that doesn't make the art out of place; instead, it becomes a unique factor. While they are only at ease as depicted in the poster artwork, it may not be doubted they might just be waiting for the right moment to spring back into action, just like they did in Subspace Emissary.

It cannot be doubted that Super Smash Bros. is ambitious in terms of its crossover potential even from the beginning. Likewise, some of those crossovers may become quite memorable in terms of appeal and power, and that would apply to Samus and Pikachu as depicted in the poster above. Through the ordeal of Subspace Emissary, they became united in an adventurous mission, and those who experience the mission as it occurs may just be prompted to commemorate the unity, especially through art.

Two years ago: Code Affairs
Three years ago: Number One for...

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