Friday, June 4, 2021

Quickies: Getting Acculturated with Pokémon

It's been the experience of my life that I've had to deal with different cultures, in all the places I've been to and even where I am right now. That means dealing with the ways of life of the people in those places, as well as the people themselves, in becoming acculturated with them. But perhaps, the greatest process of becoming acculturated that I've had to undergo is the one associated with Pokémon. It's a little odd, but it's easy to see how this can be so: within its realm, there are also places, people, and ways of life, all of which are experienced in some manner with everything related to Pokémon, including the games, anime, and others. In experiencing them, I'm also indirectly becoming "acculturated" with them, despite their virtual existence.

On a more realistic note, becoming acculturated with Pokémon also means becoming acculturated with other people who also like Pokémon as much as I do, meaning other fans. Whichever way things go, the process involves me becoming used to what they do, what mindset they have, and where they go to do things. It may be admitted that some things about Pokémon, real or otherwise, are considerably unsavory, but I don't pick up on that. Instead, it becomes worthy to pick up on the positive things, and that results in greater positivity as well; I would say that such situation is evident today with what I have going on with Pokémon and beyond.

This topic might be considered to be somewhat weighty, as so much can be discussed outside the confines of a "Quickies" post. However, it may be considered that I've already outlined the general perceptions of how it may be considered that the process of becoming acculturated may have some relationship with Pokémon, particularly in the views of a fan who has gone through the process a few times and gained something different each time. And it could be considered befitting that some of those gains would be from Pokémon as well.

Two years ago: A Noble Mission
Four years ago: Ball Redesign?

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