Thursday, June 24, 2021

Until Perfect, Until Appreciated

Yesterday, I finally discussed about a certain effort of me and Ash that in a certain way ended up not as good as it could be. It also comes on the two-year anniversary (see below) of something else that also ended up not as good as it can be, even in the worst way possible. The overall effort wasn't as good as it was expected, but I feel that this is especially true for one particular part of the effort, for which it had to have been the best possible and has, in fact, been as such in another time, yet it wasn't during the effort.

That would be the singing competition, part of the things that I had Ash do, and it involved one of the songs that means as much to Pokémon and Ash as much as it is to any Pokémon fan including me. It's a good song, but the execution wasn't as good, even perfect, as it could be. Aside from the performance having a certain quality as noted by one of the judges, which is as valid as it is unwarranted (at least in my view), there was one part that got messed up, even though recovery was fairly quick. It was likely this that costed any chance of winning a prize, and in short, the performance was neither perfect nor appreciated.

And yet, the performance has been perfect and appreciated in a different context, though not a prize-winning one, unless one counts the performance itself as the prize, given that it was an achieved ultimate goal of mine. For that, it actually does seem quite shameful that what happened the other day was less than perfect. On the other hand, the arrangement is quite different from the previous one for pure performance, and in the past, it was once performed, but it wasn't perfect either. Therefore, I'm still pursuing the perfection and appreciation aspect for this arrangement, particularly the latter of which is in the form of a prize.

Future efforts will thus be in part directed to attaining perfection and appreciation for things that haven't earned either or both, in addition to trying new things. That is also the reason that explains the title of this post. But of course, with new things, chances are they won't earn perfection and appreciation right away, so this becomes a kind of "continuous quest" with no firm end in sight. With the situation as above, the new arrangement is certain to be performed again, though the original arrangement may be viable too for a real prize. Regardless, even without a prize, perfection and appreciation may manifest themselves in different ways.

Much of the efforts are also still contingent on the current conditions resolving themselves so that things would open up to pursue perfection and appreciation just like as they were before (and not as things unfolded at that recent time). I would suppose that perfection and appreciation is inherent for any Pokémon fan, especially those wishing to accomplish success in the games, but in my case, it seems just as well for the case of Pokémon songs and in part singing competitions as well as the whole musical world beyond them.

Two years ago: The Show Must Go On
Three years ago: Jumping the 'Karp
Four years ago: Married... to Pikachu?

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