Friday, June 25, 2021

Who Floats - Pokémon Floats

It is no surprise that Pokémon and water go together. Its world is like the real world, and its water is as such as well. There is also a whole type of Pokémon related to it. Something that's also related to water is being able to float upon it, whether in a pool or on a river. For this matter, Pokémon has things covered with a few floating things featuring Pokémon, of which I'm informed thanks to the Pokémon Center e-mail newsletter.

A few of those things are actually floats - as in pool floats, things that one inflate and then place on a pool for one to hang onto while one swims or to lie on while in the pool. Two exciting ones that any fan ought to love are for two yellow Pokémon: Psyduck and Pikachu. For those who are fond of bigger species to lie on, there are also pool floats for Snorlax, Lapras, and Wailord; the Lapras float is actually in its second year of availability after having been available last year along with a few other niceties that float, which would be in the form of Poké Ball beach balls. Spending time in the pool with these Pokémon floats ought to be fun for any fan.

I could see myself possessing the Pikachu pool float as something neat to have while I'm at a pool. I have to say that I don't prefer to spend much time in water when I'm at a pool, so a pool float is perfect for people such as myself. Admittedly, pool floats that represent larger (and more water-oriented) species are more appropriate and sensible for the pool context, but the ones for the smaller species are still unique and worthwhile, including the Pikachu one for me and many other fans out there. One is welcome to get ones that suit their needs and interests.

For those who are really not too interested in taking a dip in the pool and floating along with a float (especially during these times and even more so currently), they might be interested in another kind of float: figures of Pokémon floating on the river. The series of figures is called "Relaxing River", and the figures do carry the floating theme really well. Pikachu is riding on a Snorlax float, Bulbasaur is riding on a Psyduck float, Charmander is riding on an Ultra Ball float, and Squirtle is... well, floating by itself. The figures presumably don't float, like most figures, but they at least float in spirit.

The attention to detail for these figures is really neat. All the figures look like they're really floating on a river, with features of the river as well as of the riverside. Even the Charmander figure has a Razz Berry floating alongside the Ultra Ball float, which is a nice touch. Out of all these figures, I'd be happy to own the Pikachu figure - owing to personal interests, certainly - but I'm sure that I and my figure fellows would agree that all of these are prime targets for any figure fan to collect.

To float on water is a wonderful thing indeed; the feeling of being free to move about carried by water is a unique one. Pokémon obviously has realized this and has conceived ways to feel that physically with pool floats and spiritually with river figures, all of which are appropriate and well done. It may just be something that I and other Pokémon fans need to feel now, even if we may not need it at the pertinent moment.

One year ago: Uniting the Heart
Two years ago: Evoked Emotions
Four years ago: Four Notions

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