Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Personal Social Media Experiments with Pokémon

On the official side of things, Pokémon has a pretty good and established social media presence. Rarely do things have to be experimented with that, and fans will happily snap up whatever is posted. For the rest of the people who deal with Pokémon affairs on social media, they might have to make a few experiments in order to find what works for them with what they can do. That includes me, and I may be considered to have conducted a few social media experiments involving Pokémon.

The biggest one is of course this blog. It was born around four and a half years ago in an experimental state... and now it seems a lot less experimental, though I'm never certain of the results. In a way, it's now my "living experiment" as a purposed social media for Pokémon things, and the results are always evolving (ahem) just as the experiment is always evolving based on whatever I put in it. The structure, appearance, and elements change according to what I've posted, and that has been proven true - examples being the category tags on the right and list of past-year posts below. I'm due to change more things, but that'll have to wait as things unfold in Pokémon or otherwise.

In second place would have to be the podcast efforts that I've dealt with or even made. The Pokémon Go podcast that I and a friend made is for certain, though with it being cut off shortly after it began, the "experiment" may be said to have failed. This is especially so if a chance will never come to start it up again. As for conceiving one of these myself, I'm certain that the opportunity exists, but the time allocation does not, to put it lightly and as I've explained before. But to be myself and bring Pokémon into the podcast of others, that I can do and can always make the time, and the time may be at hand once again, even if it's an experiment for what a friend may bring to the table.

An experiment that I really can't stand to execute at the moment is to produce something for video-based social media like YouTube for longer videos and others for shorter, popular clips - the latter of which I'm not too interested in participating anyway, at least by my own effort. Yet someone could always shoot a video of me and then proceed to modify it (particularly to embellish the Pokémon aspect) and make it pretty for uploading to the latter, and I wouldn't mind. That would be an experiment - theirs and mine - in many ways for the potential challenges that it might present, and whether or not it would work could depend on the persistence, patience, and power to get through all the details.

It seems that I may be considered to have my share of social media experiments. They range from this blog, podcasts, and even videos - all the standard social media venues, in which many people post and even Pokémon itself posts. While the latter does its thing to inform and delight people, the former can do the same and even try their hands at new things, some of which may or may not work well. Regardless of the state of the experiment, at least the purpose of (Pokémon) communication can be achieved as intended.

One year ago: Go with the Flow
Four years ago: Limited Editions

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