Sunday, June 20, 2021

Trainer Rank in Pokémon Shuffle

Over three years ago, I noted that Pokémon Shuffle had added a new feature called Trainer Rank. I had explained the feature then, but only briefly. After thinking about it again recently and dealing with it, I feel that it is somewhat important to consider the feature and explore it as well as its implications for those who play.

Though it's been quite some time since then, the feature hasn't really changed. The Trainer Rank is a measure of how many Pokémon species have been caught in Pokémon Shuffle. The species part is important, as a different form of the same species (for example, Deerling Winter and Deerling Summer) doesn't count after one form has been caught. Each rank depends on catching a set number of species - increasing with each rank - at which point the rank increases and a bonus is earned. The highest rank is Rank 30, which entails catching every single species (again, not form) that is present.

The bonuses are certainly the most important part. While most of the bonuses are very useful items (such as 2000 Coins for achieving Rank 3, or a Jewel each for achieving Rank 29 and Rank 30), a number of the bonuses are Mega Stones that enable a Mega Evolved form to be used. While I've noted earlier that they replace the respective Competition Stages, some of these actually reappeared even after the introduction of Trainer Rank, likely to allow some later players to bypass the effort to attain a specific Trainer Rank. Regardless, one will get a Level Up in lieu of a Mega Stone if it has already been earned, the same as with Competition Stages, and all the items - including certain helpful Enhancements at certain ranks - have their purposes and ought to be earned.

It is certainly desirable to spend some effort to obtain the bonuses when they are pertinent. When one has a few Hearts and some Coins to spare, it may be worth it to capture a Pokémon that hasn't been captured to help boost the Trainer Rank such that at a later time the bonus can be quickly earned for usage. The bonuses of Mega Stones are indeed a priority due to their very helpful nature and should be obtained whenever possible in order to make use of the respective Mega Evolution or just to take the Level Up if it has been earned. All this will surely depend on other current tasks and objectives.

Even years after its introduction, the feature of Trainer Rank still has some pertinence, including in its finer details. It is hopefully something that those who play Pokémon Shuffle has fully taken advantage of since then. And if not, now is still a good time to reap its rewards for whatever potential Pokémon Shuffle adventures may come.

Two years ago: Thematic Battles
Four years ago: Pokémon Exclusivity

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