Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Display Case Ideas for Pokémon Fans

Earlier this year, I noted and discussed with Ash that I had more or less wrapped up a second house moving process amidst all other things. As part of that process, all my Pokémon things also get moved, having been packed in the first one last year. However, even now, I haven't unpacked much of them, in part for one reason: I don't have a display case, at least one that I've intended for use but failed at the last moment. It's a crucial piece of furniture for fans and collectors of all Pokémon things. While I try to resolve my display case woes, I thought I'd try to discuss ideas and inspirations for display cases, in particular for Pokémon fans that need them.

The display case that I had intended to use is large, has the shape of a square, and hangs on the wall. Two-thirds of it has a glass cover that can be opened and closed, while the rest is open. I suppose it might be fair to say that it's partly a bookshelf and partly a display case, but since Pokémon has books and I've seen them in display along with other Pokémon things, the entire thing can be considered a display case. In a way, however, I was saved by not using it, as the wall might not have been able to support its weight appropriately, and it revealed its flaws prior to my decision to not use it. Still, I do bemoan its loss because of the unique design and the potential to show off my Pokémon things. I may decide to fully replicate this display case, but with a more viable build.

The standard rectangular or square display case that stands on the floor may work well for most Pokémon fans, including most of my figure fellows. They can fit in corners neatly, owing to their shape. I actually coveted one of these as one of my fellows wanted to sell one of theirs due to another moving process, but it was far away and neither of us weren't willing to deal with shipping. However, a round (cylindrical) display case might really work for those who have Pokémon things that they can and want to display from all angles. A display case like this also works well for displaying things in the center of a room, due to its high visibility. It may be something to think about for those who possess ample space for it.

One side of my room has a long and low shelf - make that two of them - running across that side. I'm having a bit of a problem deciding what to put on the top of it, but then it occurred to me that I can creatively commission a horizontal display case to put up on top, the same length as the shelves. A display case like this would be uncommon, but it would also be very different than most others and would be a unique solution for my case, though others may feel that it can apply as well for them. Such a commission (perhaps any, including replicating my square case above) is also an investment, which I may or may not be ready at this point. I can still dream about it while deciding later on.

I've gone quite far as a fan in accumulating many pieces of Pokémon merchandise and/or things, so a display case becomes pertinent for my efforts in doing so. But with the display case that I had planned to use becoming decommissioned, I'm practically left without one that I can use to hold all my Pokémon things that I've accumulated. There may still be some time to conceive more display case ideas and then pick whichever one suits me most appropriately at this current point in time, and then make sure that remains the case (ahem) as I continue to obtain and accumulate Pokémon stuff.

Two years ago: A Daily Pokémon Routine
Three years ago: Missing Ranger
Four years ago: 3DS Pokémon Badges

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