Thursday, June 17, 2021

The Mystique of the Slowpoke Well

Some of my recent Pokémon affairs have involved a certain very slow Pokémon, and that would evidently be Slowpoke. This Pokémon is also associated with a certain place in the world of Pokémon, and that would be the Slowpoke Well just outside of Azalea Town in Johto. It's one of a few places in the world that is (almost) solely related to a single Pokémon, and it's got a certain mystical quality about it, at least in my view.

The well is a source of local pride: the townsfolk are tied to the Slowpoke, and the Slowpoke are tied to the well, so the townsfolk are tied to the well. Even with Slowpoke being what they are, the townsfolk don't seem to mind, and they have good regard for the well and its denizens. Yet, the slow nature of Slowpoke makes this relationship seem quite mystical, as others may not necessarily wish to associate with such a Pokémon.

With the slow characteristic of the associated Pokémon, there is also something mystical about the well being perceived to harbor more secrets, which led to Team Rocket "invading" the well in order to uncover them. The thought of slow Pokémon possibly keeping secrets that are important for the world and nonetheless for Team Rocket is ethereal if not amusing, adding to the perceptions that already exist for others as above.

Slowpoke being slow may or may not be very mystical, but their relationship to a well - a unique part of the Pokémon world - and the overall relationship of that to others could very well have at least a little bit of that mystique. My recent affairs may or may not have had that same mystique, but the plausibility that at least a little bit of mystique exists cannot be counted out given what exists in the world of Pokémon, and I'm up for that.

Two years ago: I'm a "General"!
Three years ago: Viewpoints and Preferences

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