Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Cosplay: YASUMI 2 - Sunday Holiday

Me: OK, so this is kind of an odd thing to discuss in the middle of the week, but it cannot be delayed for much longer. Plus, it's also appropriate in a way, because two years ago (see below), something similar also did not go right, in a way.

Ash: It had to be done. I guess it has to be done.

Me: I know. It's hard for you and me, but let's get on with it. So, remember a theme event that took place years ago?

Ash: Oh, you sent me to that one, but we didn't talk together. I just reported.

Me: Well, this is the sequel to that one, and I sent you there, one and a half weeks ago.

Ash: This one was really out of town, but you were still sure about it.

Pikachu: Pi, ka. ["Yes, that's true."]

Me: In order to try to not get you mixed up with too many people before the event, a few of my friends and character friends decided to pool for transportation to and from there. That was the best alternative instead of sending you by public transport, which could be more dicey.

Ash: OK, I trust you.

Me: And as always, we had to go all out. So I sent you for the character parade and singing competition.

Ash: I thought that we should keep things simple with my Kanto outfit and "Mezase Pokémon Master".

Me: Those were perfect choices. It couldn't have been more simple than that.

Pikachu: Pi, pika! ["Simple!"]

Me: So, I trust you arrived safely. How were things?

Ash: I did arrive safely - and without incident as with some trips with friends in the past - but it was like things weren't unsafe as today.

Me: You mean, there was a big crowd?

Ash: Like you won't believe. Even with a clear announcement to separate, no one could or did. Everyone was also asked to not go on social media until after the event, but that seemed too little, too late.

Me: Makes sense. I mean, what had everyone been doing the past few days prior to the event? So, how did you deal with the crowd?

Ash: Everyone went into the place of the event, but I didn't go in unless I was needed. And I was, for the singing competition, but I went backstage along with the other people in the competition.

Me: It should have been better back there.

Ash: It was. That was a relief.

Pikachu: Pi, pi. ["Very much."]

Ash: But then something happened after the competition started. Everyone before me went and sang, but just when I was about to go up, the organizers stopped the event and asked everyone to move upstairs because they could face people who look a little like Officer Jenny and could act for the event like them if they didn't, and it was like being chased.

Me: Ouch! That had to be stressful.

Ash: It was. And then the others who still need to sing - like me - were bounced up and down until finally we could sing downstairs. I was the first one to go up, but the sound equipment was quite different, so I couldn't hear some parts, and even with a pep talk before I went, I still messed up a part since I was still stressed.

Me: So you "had the rug pulled out from under you".

Ash: You could say that. After that, I went back upstairs and didn't think about it anymore. I probably didn't even win.

Pikachu: Pi. ["Probably."]

Me: No. I suppose after what happened, that's not much to go on.

Ash: So after that, the event continued, but in the two places. Upstairs was for gathering and entertainment, and downstairs was for stands and goodies.

Me: Maybe that's how it should have been in the first place.

Ash: Maybe so. It was more roomy there, so everyone could be farther apart. The character parade was also there, so I had to go upstairs anyway for that.

Me: So it was. How was the parade?

Ash: There were only three winners out of 42, so chances were slim to win, and I didn't. The winners also weren't all clothing or all armor, and some who I thought could win actually didn't.

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["So it was."]

Me: I suppose that's how the chips fall. Not much can be done after that, just like the singing competition.

Ash: After some light entertainment, the event was basically done, and I and my friends got on our way back, including me to you.

Me: OK, that's that. So what did you think overall?

Ash: You know, the idea for it was good, in a way, and it felt like old times, but how it was done was messy. I also don't think everyone is ready for it at this time.

Me: I hear you. This is exactly why a local organizer doesn't want to hold one, especially now that things are worsening again instead of getting better.

Ash: So we might not be seeing one of these again, or even you sending me.

Me: Probably not, but that's for the better for now. Also, it was everything that happened here that led us to agree to not discuss it and discuss something else on that day.

Ash: It was, and thinking about two years ago, that was even worse. This one wasn't as bad, but it could go there.

Me: Hopefully once things really get better, we can have something going - better than this one, better than two years ago, absolutely better in every way.

Ash: I absolutely agree!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Absolutely!"]

Me: For now, let's pick up the pieces and move on.

One year ago: Lifestyle Gaming
Three years ago: Gym Rework, One Year Later
Four years ago: Pokémon Go Gym Rework

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