Tuesday, June 22, 2021

All for a "Pokémon (Pikachu) Meal"

Around a couple of weeks ago, a certain frenzy had ensued. The frenzy was due to local fans clamoring for a certain special edition of a fast food meal (not related to Pokémon), which also led to delivery people clamoring for the chance to bring to devoted fans that very meal, the meal they desire. The latter is regrettable due to current conditions, especially since the frenzy was actual and live. However, the former is understandable from the perspective of a fan, despite being wholly unrelated. It gets me into thinking about what would happen with a similar situation involving Pokémon.

I would actually be one of the devoted fans who would clamor for a Pokémon edition of the fast food meal, perhaps even with some of the zeal that these fans have. Still, I would be more reasonable about it, in comparison to some of these fans. For example, I'm aware that the fans of the meal have gone to great lengths to "preserve" the meal, and I would be inclined to do so as well, yet I'd only "preserve" what I can without going overboard, and I also wouldn't try to gain something off of it - it's not like I can anyway in a sensible manner. I'd still make some kind of effort with and for this meal.

It has to be admitted that Pokémon has its own kind of popularity in comparison to what makes that special edition of a fast food meal popular, so it does seem hard to compare their fast food meals and the reactions that fans would have toward them. Regardless, both do have their devotees who would be fond of things featuring the object of their fandoms, which would include the meal. The main differentiator would be how much frenzy the fans would stir up for the respective meal and how much of that frenzy would be accepted among others of the same fandom, plus how others would see that.

In a way, though, the answer may have already been begotten. The same fast food chain that offered the special edition meal for the other fandom has a special edition for Pokémon meal in the form of a "Pikachu Meal". Alas, unlike the other special edition meal, which resulted in a local frenzy, the meal is only obtainable in - where else - its homeland of Japan. Therefore, it wouldn't be practical for me to obtain the meal, and I can only settle for "enjoying" the meal through pictures. The food items of the meal may be gotten more easily, though the meal itself would be the unique experience.

After the frenzy for the meal had ensued that time, there are some takeaways (some pun intended) to be had. One is that different fandoms will have different devoted fans with differing amounts of zeal. Another is that those devoted fans might stir up differing amounts of frenzy in pursuing things of their fandom. The special fast food meal editions become the prime example of all that fans will do for what they like. If somehow the "Pokémon (Pikachu) Meal" becomes more available (particularly for me), the previous meal frenzy might serve as a reminder of what fans of fandoms can do as I make the effort to get the meal.

One year ago: Dub Absence, Again
Three years ago: Food Chain Axioms
Four years ago: Technology, Good and Evil

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