Sunday, June 6, 2021

Pokémon Go Community Day, 6/6/2021

Some Community Days of Pokémon Go have been "long in the tooth" in that they've been postulated, expected, and demanded by Trainers. This month's Community Day represents one of these, in particular because of the featured Pokémon. It has long been considered a possible Community Day fodder, but its Shiny form had been released early on (which is or was thought to decrease its feature appearance potential) and it has never been featured... until today, when it was finally featured and its potential was realized.

The featured Pokémon for this month is the venerable Gible, which along with the other members of its species family (Gabite, Garchomp) is of the Dragon and Ground types. The last of these, when caught or evolved, gains the move of Earth Power during the exclusive move window. The bonus is triple XP, which should satisfy the hunger of pre-Level 50 XP-seeking Trainers. The paid Special Research has the title of "Just a Nibble" in reference to the fierce appearance and behavior of this "land shark" species family.

While the specific particulars of Community Day in current times haven't changed (extended Incense primarily, and so on), there is one particular addition: Lure Modules are now extended as well, in line with Friendship Day from April and the old ways of Community Day. The world may not be heading to a "normal" state any time soon, but Community Day may be able to adapt to the "new normal" state while the world continues to develop and hopefully recover, which should be the same for Community Day as well.

Taking advantage of the Lure Module bonus, I went to the place where I used to have regular "old normal" Community Day festivities, the last of which occurred in December 2019. And it really did feel like that time, with I and a few others setting up Lure Modules, though many of us ended up becoming segregated afterwards. Nevertheless, we did make full use of both Lure Modules and Incense as well as a Mega-Evolved Pokémon of choice to up the obtained Candy amount. I also ended up having 6 Garchomp with Earth Power: one with the best stats, the best Lucky one, the best Shiny one, one each for Great and Ultra Leagues, and the one from the Special Research, with sufficient Candy stock when it becomes necessary for usage.

Faithful fans will note that Garchomp possesses a Mega Evolution as Mega Garchomp, but this Community Day didn't become the venue for its debut, unlike Altaria last month and partially due to the stipulation that only one Mega Raid is active each month during the Season of Discovery. A surprise debut is also impractical as the surprise can easily be discerned prior, in certain ways. Therefore, the debut of Mega Garchomp will have to wait for the right time and the best time, which is more than I can say. Trainers will just have to stay tuned.

This Community Day is thus very much a representation of realized potentials: those of a deserving Pokémon, those of old ways and new ways, and those of a future Mega Evolution. The first can already be seen now, the second can be seen towards the closer future, and the third will hopefully be seen in a not-too-distant future. For a family of "land sharks", that ought to mean many opportunities to take "nibbles" out of the competition in whatever happens in Pokémon Go at the moment, thanks to what can and has been gained from this edition of Community Day.

Four years ago: Pokémon Direct, 6/6/2017

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