Thursday, June 27, 2019

Club 40 ID Tournament Memorabilia

Last Saturday's tournament wouldn't be a great tournament without some great memorabilia. Everyone that attended, whether as observing audience or participating competitor, received a few things, and those that did special things in the tournament got a few more things. With what transpired in the tournament, I got quite a few of them, as can be seen in the photo below.

Everyone who attended the tournament and registered as part of the audience or competitors received a lanyard with an ID (in the middle). These are tagged with four-digit numbers, which could be drawn to win giveaways during the tournament. I didn't win anything from the giveaways - and if I did, I probably would have reported it earlier - but this is a fine idea for a tournament this big and important. The first 200 registered audience members received a special ID signed by Brandon Tan, but I was obviously a competitor and didn't get one. Instead, I opted to have one pin signed by Brandon Tan as part of the two pins (on the right) I was offered to have. The other pin is an interesting Mewtwo one.

During the tournament, certain battles were shown on a big screen, and one of my battles was picked. The compensation for this honor, for both competitors win or lose, is another pin (or it would be better described as a badge), the smaller object above the two round pins. It has the image of the Rainbow battle theme emblem, which comes from the battle theme organizer that I've yet to discuss. It has two parts to it: the front of the badge itself, and the back, which holds the badge in place. The front part is placed to puncture a surface, then the back holds it in place. Similar pins or badges have been designed for the type symbols as used in Pokémon Go, which a friend has but I don't.

The best memorabilia I got from the tournament is one of the prizes for taking third place in the cosplay competition. That would be the leftmost object in the photo. It's a small trophy/plaque that commemorates the tournament. The object is made more interesting because it has an electrical component, which explains the cord and the plug behind it. When plugged in, the trophy lights up with a nice light purple hue.

I can imagine that at night, this would create a spectacle, so it would be great to plug this in when I'm showing things off. At other times, especially to conserve power, I can let the image speak for itself and leave it unplugged. Of course, lighted electrical devices like these can't conceivably last forever, and the light will eventually cease to function. However, it is hoped that the plaque image will persist for some time, along with the memory of the tournament.

This tournament has been effectively the only bright spot in a weekend outing with gloom and doom. In any case, its memory will persist, even if I'd happily let go of the others surrounding it. The memorabilia from the tournament will surely help in that regard. Their remarkable designs only help to sweeten the memories, which will make them more desirable to remember. I'm certain that's the case for me and others who received similar memorabilia from it.

One year ago: Leaders
Two years ago: A Little Dream

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