Saturday, June 1, 2019


Regarding the Pokémon Special Business Presentation that I discussed in yesterday's post, I have to admit that it was discussed kind of late, but that was partially not my fault; I simply had other things to do during and around the press conference, so I wasn't able to address it timely. However, many other people had done so to varying degrees. One instance was by a really good friend of mine, within mere hours ex post facto. That friend also happens to be a proficient Pokémon Go player and one of my raid fellows.

My friend runs a web site called KaptenTekno (, which means "Techno Captain" in Indonesian. It's billed as a technology news portal that covers many subjects, including "technology, business, and game" as described in the site information page. Included in the coverage of the "game" subject are things that deal with Pokémon and in particular Pokémon Go; the coverage notably ramped up after my friend returned to playing Pokémon Go almost a year ago and exactly on Zapdos Day (or maybe a little before - the record of our play encounter was that day, long after I personally returned). Since then, there have been lots of articles on the game, which have been continually promoted.

As for the coverage with the respective article there, it's much like my previous post. It covers most of the points detailed in Wednesday's press conference, including the new games that were divulged. The content of the article is more or less like my post, except that it seems a little bit more detailed, whereas mine is more like a "digest", "bottom line", or in modern netspeak, a "TL;DR (too long, didn't read) version". It also has images where mine doesn't, owing to that reason and some other ones. The article's headline is also focused on the new Sleep game, even though the content is overall focused on things from the press conference. Despite this, it should still be pretty good.

There are also general similarities and differences between our two sites. The biggest one is language: my posts are written in English, while the articles on that site are written in Indonesian. Obviously, my posts are directed for a more global (or globally-oriented) audience, while the articles attempt to capture the attention of the locals. Since that site is a "news portal", it also has to have objective content, whereas my blog is more personal in nature and has not only objective content but also interpretative and creative content, something that should be discussed in another post later on. Regardless, we both contribute regularly to our respective places on the Internet about Pokémon.

The fact remains that we realize that there are Pokémon-minded people out there, so we cater to them. One way of which is to detail the results of that press conference, which has substantial information on what lies ahead for Pokémon, whether within a few hours as it happened, or a day or two after the dust has settled. My way might be more personal, and my friend's way is rather objective. But when it comes to Pokémon, we'll still do what we can to get the word out.

One year ago: Everyone's RPG vs. Hardcore RPG
Two years ago: (Self) References

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