Monday, August 2, 2021

Heuristic vs. Methodical Trainers

Some people like or prefer doing things by what they feel or perceive. This becomes a heuristic way of doing things. Meanwhile, others like our prefer doing things by certain specific procedures or telltale signs. This way of doing things is a methodical one. Pokémon Trainers are people as well, which means that they can do all the things that real people do and more; it means that they are subject to the ways that people are, including these two ways of doing things.

The advantage of doing things in the methodical way is that by the procedures and signs, things can be conclusively determined. For example, certain Pokémon can manifest themselves in certain areas after exhibiting certain signs, or that certain Pokémon can be found after going through a specific series of steps. While this does work in that regard, there is the possibility that certain people may become tied down to following steps or looking for signs that it's hard for them to discover things beyond those steps and signs, especially for what they don't know.

Those who do things heuristically are likely to discover more new things beyond procedures or signs, like how Pokémon feel or what their actual intents are. These are things that may be hard for established procedures or signs to determine, especially if they are unknown. Obviously, the downside becomes that things may not be conclusive or certain, and further insights are needed to establish certainty.

Two Trainers who may be said to represent the two sides above are Ash and Goh from the latest iteration of Pokémon anime. Those who are fans will know that the former has always been heuristic in many ways in both battles and journeys through many places. Meanwhile, those, who have watched Goh will be able to discern that he is somewhat methodical in his ways, especially with the initial episodes of his anime appearance. The two appear inverse yet complementary to each other.

In fact, that is how the two ways are: they complement each other. The methodical way may refine what may be gained from the heuristic way, and the heuristic way may allow for things to be gained that cannot be otherwise gained from the methodical way. In short, neither way is better than the other, at least in some circumstances, and both ways may in fact be needed to discover certain things and solve certain problems, like the current situation of the world. Trainers ought to benefit as well from either way.

Thus, a Trainer can be heuristic and make discoveries or advancements through perceptions, or methodical to make those same discoveries or advancements through procedures - or even both, if the mindset allows. Yet it's clear that both are and can present themselves as necessary for each other, evidently by Ash and Goh. It seems that with whomever Pokémon Trainers identify with, there seems to always be a way to go.

One year ago: Let There Be No Lies
Two years ago: Topic Balancing, Again
Three years ago: The Music of Magikarp Jump
Four years ago: Pokémon Is Everything

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