Sunday, August 2, 2020

Let There Be No Lies

This year, on April Fool's Day, I took a different approach to encapsulate the goings-on of that day. Instead of covering the tomfoolery and shenanigans of that day, which might not be so appropriate considering the state of the world today, I decided to cover something more wholesome but still somewhat related to Pokémon, as the state of trueness of things. Recently, I've also read about and considered something further related to the trueness of things, so I thought that it would be wise to bring up the topic again, certainly with Pokémon still in tow.

What I read about is that there are a lot of falsehoods on the Internet, and strangely enough, some people seem to enjoy both producing and consuming them. While it can be argued that some of those is purely for entertainment and not to be taken seriously, others could actually blur the line between lies and truth (especially if not indicated as such), and it may be that some would choose to believe them as if they were real. Early and famous examples for Pokémon would involve a certain vehicular depiction and a host of stray divine beings that are often told in details so rich that they might seem true, yet they aren't.

I disapprove of these falsehoods, particularly if they are intended to deceive and without prior knowledge. In fact, I would rather be on the debunking side of them, dispelling what for years might have been believed to be true, even vaguely. I'm sure there is a rather imaginative side in producing them, but I wouldn't want to let myself get caught in their consumption (as true things), for it would seemingly lend confirmation that it is good to consume and then possibly perpetuate them. Blogging, in fact, seems to give me a good platform to speak my mind and prevent these from happening.

In the words of the King of Pop: 

Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual...
-- "Tabloid Junkie", Michael Jackson

Pokémon is entirely fictional, of course. But some things of it can be spoken as facts, and they are accordingly for how they really work within their domains. And when facts are concerned, it is rather preferable to speak about them in terms of their true qualities, especially rather than misrepresenting what is false as what is true and the other way around. It is with hope that even with Pokémon, what is true should prevail.

One year ago: Topic Balancing, Again
Three years ago: Pokémon Is Everything

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