Monday, August 10, 2020

Let's Talk About Events, Conventions, and Beyond

Me: OK, last month had a lot going regarding Pokémon. So we didn't get to do a "Let's Talk" during that time. I figure that before this month blows up, let's get one of these going.

Ash: OK! So what do you have in mind?

Me: Well, it's still been a while since I've sent you to any events or conventions, and that's not likely to change any time soon. I did, however, become present virtually for one I'm personally connected to, and I even once in the past had made it involve Pokémon indirectly - by my own doing.

Ash: You know, I think I can remember something. It was as if it came out of a dream.

Pikachu: Pika pika pika! ["I remember that!"]

Me: It's a neat "dream" in some ways, even as you describe it, but now is not the time to explain it. What matters now is that I'm able to partake in it after a long time.

Ash: I'm looking at this convention, and I don't really see how I or even Pokémon can fit in, but you made it - maybe forced it - back then. That's neat.

Me: If you notice this year, there was a certain challenge called "Pass the Book". I was going to do something about that - maybe give it a Pokémon-inspired twist - but I ultimately didn't have much time to take it up.

Ash: You probably wouldn't have wanted me anyhow within it - I wouldn't fit in with the others. But maybe if it was a "Pass the Ball" challenge, like for a Poké Ball, then I can do something.

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["I can too!"]

Me: I wouldn't disagree with that. But you do have to admit that the format is rather interesting, right?

Ash: If this was Pokémon, it would be a lot more than battling, for sure. Some would be caring for theirs, and maybe some would have contests for them, like I saw in Hoenn and Sinnoh. Maybe many would play mini-games as well.

Me: I agree. If contests and caring became distinct games - maybe for the latter, there are already some examples - they may have competitions in unique ways. Mini-games would be a certainty for any Pokémon fan of any interest.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu, pika! ["I want to play games!"]

Me: Well, it seems Pikachu is interested in doing something else other than battling.

Ash: Battling is still important, but I guess it's OK for us to let loose every now and then. Our biggest challenge is always battling, and you know how that is.

Me: Sure. For a major battling event, it generally spans several days, like how my World Championships span the weekend. But yours is realistic, as things are real for you, and things may take a lot of time.

Ash: Yeah, so you know. And the way to get there isn't always easy.

Me: That reminds me of a proverb from "the other side": "every journey is a series of steps, but the first step is not always simple."

Ash: You mentioned it when you discussed about mine.

Me: Indeed I did. It's just another example of how I can take things from "the other side" and apply it for you and perhaps just about anything Pokémon.

Pikachu: Pi pika, pika pika. ["It makes sense."]

Me: Back to the topic at hand, your battle tournaments are your "events" and/or "conventions", but then you have festivals that are celebratory. The one I attended could be considered in some ways a festivity.

Ash: I've been to a few, yes, but for the most part what you say is right.

Me: Like I said yesterday, parallels can be hard to come by, but at least there are semblances. Meanwhile, until the next event or convention opportunity comes up, we can stand to do this every so often.

Ash: You intended for this to happen.

Me: Maybe, maybe not. What matters is that it works for you and Pikachu just as much as things work for me.

Ash: It works. I'm happy for that event or convention, even if I can't personally get in that one. We'll be happy to fill in for your event or convention needs whenever you need it.

Pikachu: Pika chu, pika! [Of course, yes!]

Me: Great stuff. Until next time.

Two years ago: Ode to Magikarp
Three years ago: Snorlax's Awakening

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