Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Pokémon Go Feature Wishlist Realizations

Two years earlier today (see below), I made a post regarding things I'd like to see in Pokémon Go. A little over a year ago, I created a post with the same spirit but a slightly different focus. Both of them are of course my personal wishes for features in the game, which may also be beneficial for just about anyone else. Since that time, there have been a few changes, so it is worth it to some extent to update about them and see how they have fared. It might also be the perfect time to suggest a few others along with this update, whether as expansions or something completely new.

The wishlist from two years ago is a good place to start. Back then, I desired to view Gifts outside of Friend Lists, and now there is a way: they can be viewed by tapping the trash bin icon next to the item, which also allows one to discard individual Gifts from the list. It's a little non-intuitive - personally, the Gift item itself should be used for this purpose - but at least it works and comes with an added quirk. I also desired a Poké Ball Menu expansion, but so far that has only occurred for the Battle menu item; the request for Settings and News perhaps may not be necessary after all, more so with the latter's announcements replicated in Today View. Pokémon markers, meanwhile, are still absent, and this one may prove to be uncertain as to whether it'll make it or not, though I'm personally holding out hope. Altogether, this list has only been partially realized, but at least a little is better than not at all.

The situation for the limits that I desire to be increased is quite different. The friend list limit is still an inconvenient 200, especially now that global friends are very, very useful for Remote Raids; thankfully, friend Gift limits have been increased due to the global situation and will stay that way even after things have settled. The Special Trade limit of once a day is still in place, and more Shiny, Legendary, and Purified Pokémon (the last one as a consequence of Shadow Pokémon) continue to appear, making it harder to deal with them for that purpose. As for the free raid pass limit, it too is still in place, but with the current situation, this may not matter as much, as Remote Raid Passes are now (currently) more relevant for raids. Not only is the situation different, it may also be considered slightly difficult.

Based on these, the current situation, and other factors, there are some feature desires to be considered. For Special Trades, Purified Pokémon should be removed from the list and ought to be able to be traded normally (barring other Special Trade conditions), as Shadow Pokémon have become especially desirable to keep rather than Purified ones, further with Frustration being able to be unlearned; Shadow Pokémon should be allowed to be traded once again but as a Special Trade. There has been talk that Shadow Lucky Pokémon may be about to be officially recognized (again), so the above would fit with that. The limit on Remote Raid Passes should also be clarified and established, as I've found in some cases one could have more than the stated limit of three. Other than that, the remaining feature desires above, though adapted and modified, could still be considered.

It's been a long way since some features came into existence in Pokémon Go, though not all of them are perfect from the get-go, and I've had my desires for their perfection. Fortunately, some developments have refined the features and in effect fulfilled some of my desires, though not everything and perhaps not as perfectly as they could be. Later on, there are bound to be other developments, and they might just realize and/or obviate at least a few of my feature desires as has occurred within the past two years. I and others can still stand to be benefited as a result.

One year ago: Monthly GO Fest/Safari Zones?
Two years ago: Pokémon Go Personal Feature Wishlist
Three years ago: Cosplay Scrapbooking

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