Thursday, August 20, 2020

More on Pokémon Go Gift Stickers

A couple of months ago, I noted that Pokémon Go had added the feature of Gift stickers. These add a nice touch to Gifts as they are opened from or sent to other friends. Since then, there have been a few updates for this rather interesting feature, and they have made things somewhat more intriguing for Trainers in sending or receiving Gifts. For this post, I'd like to discuss a few of those details, along with some things that I consider fascinating about them.

After the initial introduction of the feature, new stickers have been added in different ways. Those who participated in this year's virtual Pokémon Go Fest will likely have noticed that a few unique stickers have been earned as a result of that participation, which comprise images related to the grand event, including shirts past and present as well as relevant emblems. These are among the first stickers not directly taken from Pokémon stickers on social media. Just recently, a few more assorted stickers of various Pokémon have been added, expanding the possible selection even further. This expansion is certainly natural and expected, and it serves well for this to happen again at a later time.

While one can and is expected to accrue many different kinds of stickers, one is actually limited to how many of each kind can be gotten: for each, one is limited to 25 stickers, after which some of the sticker must be used in order to obtain more of that kind. As for obtaining stickers from Gifts, this has always been slightly tricky. Many opened Gifts do not contain stickers, but a good number do contain at least one, and one may be lucky to get two. Recently, opened Gifts have been guaranteed to contain at least one sticker, which should be helpful to anyone and encourage even further usage of them.

Like social media stickers, I have my favorites from the current selections. The "Hi!" sticker featuring Charmander from the first Chat Pals pack and the "Thank you!" sticker from the Lively Pikachu pack are some of the ones I use frequently and therefore enjoy. I love the "shirt image" stickers I obtained through this year's Pokémon Go Fest, but since I got only 10 of them during the event, it seems such a waste to use them; this applies especially well for the Victini sticker I also obtained during that time, of which I only have one. Meanwhile, the "Bye!" sticker featuring Bulbasaur from the first Chat Pals pack is one that I rarely use due to its connotations, and as a result tends to stack up despite it looking neat. What's available should just about satisfy most Trainers.

Gift stickers still represent a minor part of sending, receiving, and opening them in Pokémon Go. Yet, that minor part is sufficiently attractive, if there is something that the last couple of months or so has proven about them. Further proof of that is the additions that have become evident up to today. It may not be frequently discussed even among Trainers, but at least some discussion is necessary to highlight their finer points.

Two years ago: The Apple and Pokémon
Three years ago: Cosplay: Nimatsuri 2017

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