Sunday, August 30, 2020

Competitive Stage Progress

I haven't covered something related to Pokémon Shuffle in a while, so this might be a good time. I've already covered what Competitive Stages are in the game and have discussed it off and on, and this time I'd like to discuss it again, certainly this time with a different perspective. I want to focus on its development and progression, both how it has developed overall and how I've progressed through them. It's actually a double perspective, but it ought to provide insights on how things have gone.

When they were initially introduced, the reward tiers were very few, and fewer still rewarded the coveted Mega Stone. Now there are 12 of these reward tiers, and a majority of them do give the Mega Stone (or a Level Up enhancement if a player had already obtained the Mega Stone). Most upper tiers also give out the most valuable of enhancements, Mega Speedup and Raise Max Level, in plentiful numbers and going down from there, while lower tiers give out basic items and/or coins. The tiers were also initially rank-based before becoming percentage-based, which can afford greater safety as more players enter. With these developments, they have indeed come a long way.

Meanwhile, after having played them as often as they came, I've had various degrees of success. Most recently, I've been able to attain the S-Class reward tier thanks to a good performance on a stage that demanded primarily the use of Gengar, Lunala, and Mimikyu; it wasn't the first time, and I had achieved a similar feat some months ago with exactly the same Pokémon. On most others, however, I've not been able to duplicate the same success, only achieving one of the lesser reward tiers, but still quite high up. I have to say that these efforts were helped by the display of Pokémon ("meta") that others used, and that helped bump up my ranking, even though it took a long time before I attained something really great. It's a good progress regardless.

Pokémon Shuffle has been quite dormant lately except for regular Special Stage rotations including Competitive Stages, so as I've mentioned, it may be about to go out. Therefore, there is not much to say to be added, as the system should be just fine the way it is. If there is a small chance to improve something, it would probably have to be for the lowest tiers (Class J and Class K) to allow them to have three rewards instead of just two and one respectively, since they are the only tiers with less than three. Other than that, the system may just carry through until the "end of life" for Pokémon Shuffle, whenever that may or will be.

By now, Pokémon Shuffle may be at an apparent downturn, with less and less players becoming interested. For those that remain with it and are still interested, at least Competitive Stages can still serve as good entertainment and a good way to pick up items or enhancements as necessary. I've certainly had my moments, and the stage itself has had its moments as things have proceeded. After having been through it since the beginning, it may be nice to see it through to the end.

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