Monday, August 17, 2020

Rise Up and Live, with Body and Soul

With the onset of the current global condition, it may seem that everything becomes a challenge, perhaps particularly for the matter of getting through them, and especially so with Pokémon still being involved. A person regardless will still need to keep on living - making use of their body and soul to keep one, others, and even the world alive - and if that person is a Pokémon fan like me, it will still have to be involved somehow. It could be considered to be valuable guidance especially now, and that's why I have chosen to discuss it.

This guidance can actually be broken down into two parts. The first part is the "keep on living" part. If one is deeply interested in something, like many Pokémon fans are with Pokémon (which includes me), then there's a good point in continuing that interest and allowing oneself the privilege of life - "rising up", per one's body and soul - for not only oneself but also that interest. Some of my fellow fans are doing this right now in different ways as I write this, and even I'm doing this right now as I write in this Pokémon-oriented blog. As far as I'm concerned, that's a noble enough motivation for life, specifically for one's body and soul.

The second part of the guidance is the "keep others living" part. This should be considered as a natural consequence of the "keep on living" part above; in order for one to live, it is necessary and desirable to allow others to keep living as well, even through specialized interests like what I and others have with Pokémon. I'd like to think I'm doing so with this blog and partaking in activities that allow me and others to continue our interests. Even further, I'd consider that all the things I do, whether by obligation or desire and whether specifically related or not, is for mutual sustainment, which in my (and others') case includes Pokémon.

And as always, if something is posted on this day, it also pertains to Indonesia in some capacity, as today is its independence day. It's actually a loose interpretation of one of the stanzas in the national anthem, and this particular stanza has been said to be inspiring in some ways, including for a current minister. The way it is said to be inspiring is that it has a certain spiritual quality to it in national living. I won't argue with that; after all, the stanza was conceived for this possibility of inspiration and likely many others. In current hard times, it also seems to be especially pertinent in the same manner, and that is important for the nation.

I'm certain that both national living and living with Pokémon are quite important, and that one can contribute to the other, or at least help things out. In that way, the stanza may be considered equally inspiring. I want to keep on living so others can keep on living, during these times and beyond, and I and likely others would only be too happy if Pokémon could be included in the mix.

That said, Happy Independence Day to Indonesia - its 75th, a nice number in many ways.

One year ago: ...And Social Justice for All
Two years ago: United in Diversity
Three years ago: Red and White Philosophy

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