Sunday, August 8, 2021

Quickies: More Alton-Pokémon Quirks

Years ago, early in my blogging efforts, I noted that I'm a fan of Alton Brown of Good Eats and Food Network fame - and I still am even now. Recently, I've had a binge of his most recent content on YouTube, including some that deal with current conditions, and I have to say that they still resemble my blog posts - or rather, my blog posts still resemble them. That's a minor and really indirect "Pokémon connection", but it's still one nonetheless. At this point, I'd like to consider other ways of relating Alton and Pokémon, even superficially.

Alton has lots of knowledge about food, so he's like a professor in the sciences. He's also eccentric in his ways, just like certain kinds of professors. Therefore, he could be likened to be a professor in some ways - and in my eyes, he could be likened to be a Pokémon professor. In this case, he could be likened to Professor Willow from Pokémon Go. Their eccentricities are comparable, especially for those who have gotten to know Professor Willow through the textual narrative of Special Research sets. By appearance, Alton could use some more hair to look like Professor Willow, but with the appropriate outfit, he could just almost look like the Professor Willow. Then, they could speak about the same things and be virtually indistinguishable... at least until one talks about food and the other about Pokémon.

For many of his fans, Alton resonates deeply with food science, which is why when his breakthrough show Good Eats ended some years ago, many eventually felt a longing for it, even me. Yet, I've been told that the show has been revived a few years ago with new content, which becomes appreciable for its fans and also shows that Alton can't be too far removed from what he is known for. This story might be considered to be similar to the story of Mewmore, who continued to dip back into Pokémon music remixes even though horizons have been broadened, showing that it still has a certain relevance for the artist. The hope is that for fans, everything that they've done can remain relevant somehow. 

It's been a long time since Alton Brown came to the limelight with what he offered for food science, and the appearance of Pokémon isn't far removed from the timescale. And after all that time, for me to still be passionate about the latter and him about the former, that's still impressive. It seems passion is a key binding thing in many things that people are attracted to, but that is no problem at all when they resonate, just like Pokémon and food science.

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