Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Countermeasures for Pokémon Go: Madness in Madness

Throughout the past year, I've written about "countermeasures" for Pokémon Go (see last year below as an example), as changes in ways of doing things in the game that make it possible to play even with current conditions looming above everyone's heads. Unfortunately, those current conditions are still present and may not be tending toward the better, and thus it is still necessary to keep a few of them. However, there are plans in motion to remove a few of them (fine ones, no less), and this does not sit well with many, moreover that they are rather poorly communicated. It becomes a "madness" within the madness that is the current conditions, and this deserves a discussion.

First, it becomes necessary to straighten out names. I call the changes "countermeasures" because they are intended to offset (that is, counter) what cannot be done normally to play Pokémon Go. The game, however, calls them by another name: "special bonuses", as they are additions under the extraordinary circumstances of the world today. Meanwhile, for the most recent update regarding them, the official blog and site calls them "exploration bonuses" as they really do pertain to the capabilities of exploring outside certain bounds. Nomenclatural differences aside, they're still what they are, being efforts to make play possible even if conditions make them impossible.

Of these, there are certain ones that are staying. Incense has worked well with 60 minutes and is to stay as such. GBL no longer needs walking and Trainer battles in general only need a QR code or at least being Good Friends. Up to 20 Gifts can be stored in the bag and up to 30 from others may be opened per day. First capture of the day also rewards triple XP and Stardust.  Remote raids and their passes have also been a blissful addition. Many have given good responses to these changes, and the hope is that they do indeed remain with no changes in the times ahead or at least with only minor changes.

Yet others with good responses are planning to be axed. One of these is increased PokéStop or Gym interaction distance, which despite pleas to be kept is to be decreased. Buddy Pokémon are also to bring less gifts and Incense effectiveness will really need walking. In an attempt to offset these, new PokéStops are to reward 10 times the XP, spinning them will guarantee Gifts without exceeding their bag limit, and spinning Gyms will reward up to two free raid passes. While these are to be tested first in certain regions this month, controversy still arises on the elimination of the former set of changes.

The "madness" is therefore evident. These times are madness, with recovery being seemingly illusory in certain parts and good turning bad without much opportunity for the reverse. The communication of the above is also madness because of how impervious some good responses are, with some of them being overridden by certain intents. There is then the madness of drastic play changes against or within the madness of the world today, both of which are certainly concerning for those who play.

Whatever they are (to be) called, the changes should continue to facilitate play regardless of condition, and many have been evidently so, therefore being apt to be kept. The problem is that some (planned) changes are attempting to facilitate play in a condition that doesn't really facilitate play, and that's a real concern for anyone. Within the times ahead, there may still be a certain amount of madness that won't resolve quickly, and the hope is that changes to the play of Pokémon Go don't contribute to further madness.

Two years ago: Cosplay: Utsuru SX
Four years ago: Pokémon on My Bed

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