Friday, October 1, 2021

Everyone's MOBA?

A few years back, I discussed how the LGPE games are representative of RPGs that can be "played by everyone". This time, I'd like to take the "everyone" aspect and throw it around the discussion of another Pokémon game, which from the title of this post clearly refers to Pokémon Unite, which is now released on mobile platforms after a few months ago being released on the Switch. The discussion therefore centers on whether this game could be called the "MOBA for everyone".

From what others have said about the game and in light of a prior preview, it is a MOBA through and through. The evidence partially lies in each Pokémon having what are called "skill trees" by which they upgrade their moves, in similar way to characters in other similar games obtain better skills. Yet something that is characteristically different about this game is the scoring of accumulated points in specific zones, which has been compared to a game of basketball. The time limit of 10 minutes for a standard and ranked match - obviating that of the even shorter "quick" matches - has also been felt to be shorter than comparable games. Thus, on one hand, the MOBA concept is sufficiently present, but on the other hand, it has been changed up somewhat for greater appeal, moreover by incorporating Pokémon. In covering these bases, the "MOBA for everyone" idea seems to be somewhat realized.

Meanwhile, from my experiences and particularly those of several days ago, I've found the game somewhat appealing even if most of the action goes by in a flurry, which I tend to have a hard time with. I've also been able to attain the MVP status, even if only among players of comparable levels, which I thought would take a long time. There is still much to do, including to learn more advanced tricks and techniques as well as to familiarize myself with the aforementioned "skill trees" of the Pokémon I can currently play. Still, the experiences above show how accessible the game is even for those who are just starting out, and this in turn affirms the "MOBA for everyone" idea. It won't replace the main series of Pokémon games as something to always deal with, Pokémon Go as a convenient game on the go, and other Pokémon games, but it can be sufficiently dealt with each day, which is what I've done.

The fast pace and high complexity of many MOBA games admittedly might be something that keeps some away from these games. However, it seems that by maintaining some of the pace and complexity while throwing in the most valuable media franchise in the world, something that can be played by relative newcomers like me as well as valiant experts can be created. That pretty much describes the state of affairs of Pokémon Unite, deeming it sufficient to be indeed called the "MOBA for everyone".

Two years ago: Renewing the Anime

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