Thursday, October 14, 2021

A Pokémon Best Friend Dream

It's rare that I have Pokémon dreams when the circumstances of the dream present themselves, but that happened with a dream I just had. The circumstance is that a friend came for an overnight stay yesterday - and yes, it's the same friend that prompted one of my posts from around a couple of weeks ago. Of course, my friend is also a good Pokémon fan, so now the circumstance is evident: my friend was in my dream. And that makes for a good story to tell, at least while some of it remains vivid in my mind.

Like the real circumstance, my friend was staying over at my house; however, it seems that it was a different house than the ones I've stayed in and could call "mine". In the progression of the dream, we talked and affirmed how great our friendship is because we like Pokémon, even if that may be manifested differently. That was then followed up by a few matches of Pokémon Unite, some mutual tasks in Pokémon Go, and a few discussions on merchandise... at which point I woke up. I informed my friend about the dream, though my friend was neutral about it.

What seems to be a coincidence is that we did exactly all of those things the evening before. Yet, I'm still not one to believe in coincidences, so I'm sure all of that plays a role in the dream. If I were to make an interpretation about it, it is that there is a certain importance that Pokémon has for the both of us. There are the exchanges that occur in the games and merchandise, and that was what happened. Through them, we have grown as friends - perhaps in unexpected ways - to accumulate our interests in it. These all fit within the framework of the "four pillars", and our links have pretty much proven the verity of the concept.

My friend has decided to take another overnight stay at my place due to unforeseen circumstances, but I have no problem with that. It only means that our link as friends has grown beyond Pokémon and we have completely forged trust in each other. Whether that might mean more appearances in either my or my friend's dreams is unknown, but if that happens and Pokémon is involved, then it might just be welcome to be noted.

Four years ago: Never Stop Exploring

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