Saturday, October 30, 2021

In the Blackest Dens

Black is a color that most people don't automatically think of when they think of Pokémon. Yet, it is in fact highly related, as it is the color that is representative of Pokémon species of the Dark type (and to a lesser extent the Ghost and Poison types, as they mostly identify with purple). Pokémon of these species, wherever they may be found and in particular in what may be called "dens", then ought to be the first things that come to mind when it comes to the greater world of Pokémon.

Of course, black is also the color of the Team Rocket uniform, so that may or may not be more readily identified. A number of people might just do so, if they know this villainous team and have some sympathies for them. Most other people likely don't and will continue to oppose them in most if not all opportunities. It may also be for this reason that the thought of Pokémon often escapes the thought of the color black.

Meanwhile, today I clad myself in black (or at least as close to black as possible) and attended a gathering with some of my friends - a gathering that I would otherwise describe as an "event" had the stars aligned personally, especially with Pokémon. It was also pretty much the dress code of the gathering, which by the proximity of current happenings should be obvious. A friend gave a few suggestions on possible ways to make the alignment above happen next time, and they're under my consideration.

Regardless, it's hard to deny that Pokémon has a relation to the color black, even if I wasn't able to take advantage of it to a full extent like today, and the relation may or may not be immediately apparent even to its biggest fans. Once apparent, though, it ought to be possible for fans to pursue the relationship to all kinds of levels, whether out in the open or even in the deepest and blackest "dens" where Pokémon are present.

Three years ago: Community Day Workflow

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