Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Community Day Workflow

A workflow is a pattern of steps by which things are accomplished. A workflow for Community Day in Pokémon Go, therefore, means a pattern of steps by which this event may be accomplished in the best way possible. Ever since they've started this year, Community Days have always provided a source of fun and camaraderie for players that play Pokémon Go, and it has only gotten better with the addition of features like Research and trading. However, it may be better still if a player knows what to do. And thus I offer my personal workflow for dealing with this monthly event.

Since Community Day starting with April's has integrated Field Research tasks (usually in the form of "catch-3" tasks), Community Day is really no longer viable to be done simply by just sitting the entire time, which was indeed possible in January, February, and March. Therefore, with the presumption that the normal tasks are in place - and not like July's tasks, which are slightly different - I spend a good bit of the first hour collecting and completing the Field Research tasks. The trick is, of course, to clear and/or complete previous tasks (remembering also to complete the ones taken during this time) and have sufficient bag space to spin the PokéStops, though with plenty of captures along the way, this should be no problem. Early in the hour is also the time to set up Lure Modules to make use of their usual extension; in an area with lots of PokéStops and players playing, this should prove quite beneficial.

In the second hour, things should let up a bit, so this could allow for a moment's rest - in other words, to sit and catch a break. In that time, captures could continue in an area densely surrounded by PokéStops with Lure Modules on them and be enhanced with the help of an Incense, Star Piece, or both. So I activate either or both of these as I rest while still capturing, taking full advantage of their short time. During this time I also start sorting out the Community Day Pokémon that I've captured and start transferring ones that are statistically weak and/or below a certain threshold, usually a "rolling average" of the ones I've captured. Certainly this process may have started early from the previous hour, especially if I had already captured many with poor stats early on.

What happens in the third hour is a combination of the first and second hours, involving looking for PokéStops with uncompleted tasks as well as capturing any featured Pokémon that are left, usually in combination with transferring those that are not up to snuff. Prior to September, I would have also evolved the most worthy "candidates" to obtain the special moves of evolved forms, if present, during this time. Since the extension of move windows, however, this could be delayed; the addition of the trade feature also makes it possible to trade subpar catches with other people in hope of better ones, but this too is best done within the extended move windows, leaving the rest of the time to catch the remaining ones present. After the appearances end, then it's time to trade if possible, and evolve the best ones present. Once things are done, then they're done.

This is only my personal workflow for Community Day; it is purely a suggestion for players that don't have (any idea of) one. They can certainly develop theirs on their own, perhaps based on mine. It is still useful to try to conceive one in order to plan out things during the event, do what needs to be done, and do them well. And that's really the essence of a workflow: to be able to accomplish things by way of the planned patterns. I'm certain that Community Day in Pokémon Go can benefit by the use of such a workflow, and be made more fun in the process.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Halloween 2017 Event

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