Saturday, October 16, 2021

Quickies: Real Interest in Pokémon Sweet Treats

Within the past few days, I've made or received my share of a lot of sweet treats, and they are as sweet as they are plenty. To be sure, I'm enjoying them even while pacing myself, which is as it should be for treats like these. And with me being a Pokémon fan, I can't help but be reminded that Pokémon has its share of sweet treats that remarkably look like some real-world counterparts. With those sweet treats of my world in consideration, I'm also interested in some of those Pokémon sweet treats as well.

The three I remember most fondly and/or currently associate with are Lava Cookies, Poffins, and Malasadas. These treats are of the Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Alola regions respectively. The Lava Cookie is certainly a cookie, even if it's somewhat abnormal, while the Poffin by its Pokémon Go appearance can be compared to a bun and the malasada is obviously a beignet or doughnut. The last on these needs no history, as I've dealt with it for a real rendition of a Pokémon menu in addition to currently being presented with realistic renditions, while lately I've been eyeing buns or received variations on the bun theme that very much tie in to the Poffin bun as depicted. Meanwhile, recently I've received a kind of pastry that are by no means cookies, but by appearance it could seem like the Lava Cookie. Further, the texture of the pastry is a little chalky, which might suggest that the Lava Cookie could taste exactly like that, seemingly providing me with an actual Lava Cookie.

Sweet treats are some of my favorite things to enjoy despite knowing that I have to try to cut back on them for one reason or another. But even if I can't or don't want to enjoy these sweet treats, I know that I have Pokémon to fall back on as something that I can enjoy with less worry for the reasons that I should cut back on enjoying actual sweet treats. It has its own share of sweet treats, including the specific ones above, that touch on those of the real world. For what they're worth, I'm sure that makes for a sweeter deal.

Two years ago: Where I Want to Go
Four years ago: Trainer Fashion

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