Thursday, October 7, 2021

Tournament: Raid Group Master League Classic

In the last raid group tournament that I participated in, or at least the write-up for it, I noted that my raid group might be open to initiate other tournaments with other formats, and the result is this tournament. It is very, very different from the usual tournaments, especially one that is assisted by the Silph Arena, which is also the case for this tournament. But since I've taken part in it, I need to detail how it went and how I did, especially now that it has concluded.

Evidently, this tournament utilizes the Master League Classic format, which disallows Pokémon greater than Level 40. The decision to utilize Master League Classic was made by voting, and many chose it due to its relatively greater accessibility over the Master League. Either way, the format is not too common for the Silph Arena, and it certainly can't count for its season as it demands Great League and other themed cups. However, the Arena itself provides the facility to battle with a unique method, so it can and does serve well for the format. For those wondering why Ultra League was skipped, that is because there wasn't much interest for the format, and so things went on to Master League, Classic in this case.

Like the previous tournament, this one has a one-round-one-day scheduling and therefore extended times for each round. Even so, one round, the third, was extended for another day due to one of the participants being entirely unavailable then; since it's just my raid group and we know each other sufficiently well, plus this tournament being more on the informal side, it is possible to do this, whereas in more formal and time-restricted tournaments this would automatically result in a loss for the unresponsive participant. The start of the tournament itself had already been delayed a day to allow more to join in; it started on last Friday evening and ended yesterday, at which point a winner emerged.

That winner, though, wasn't me. I ended up second from the bottom, next to the only participant that bombed all rounds, without being able to win any battles. Meanwhile, I was able to win just one round with a total shutout - incidentally against the one that lost everything - while I got shut out in the others, including against the one who would win the tournament; I came very close to winning one of the battles I lost, though I'm not sure it would have made any real difference. Regardless, it seems that I may not be too fit for (competitive) affairs of this League caliber, though I may still be able to try at times and eke out a few lucky wins.

It was actually because of this tournament that my focus on the Go Battle League shifted between the Little Jungle Cup and Master League Classic; going into the latter was in part directed as practice for this tournament. In the time I practiced, I did get the lucky wins that I expected would happen before promptly bombing a series of them, and that might have been a telltale sign that the Master League Classic tournament wasn't going to end up as well as I thought it could. But switching back to Little Jungle Cup didn't do much in the way of wonders, and I ended being humbled. At least there is still a shred of confidence in Master League Classic by having gone through this tournament.

With the way this tournament went, it may be an open question as to whether my raid group will open the floor to more tournaments (particularly, for the new Silph Arena season) and whether I will participate in them. Yet it is likely that if the former happens, the latter might just happen as well. The challenge will always be how I and the other participants can adapt to the format, scheduling, and progression, as with this one of unusually high caliber.

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