Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Quickies: Nurse Joy, the Maintainer of Health

Some of my recent affairs have dealt with real-world people that could be identified as the analogues of the Pokémon characters who deal with and preserve the health of Pokémon, which would be Nurse Joy. They're responsible for restoring the health of Pokémon when running low and if necessary to take advanced measures to make sure that happens. It's a necessity and someone has to do it, given what Pokémon are subject (or subjected) to day in and day out. The relation between the imagined characters and the real people is also deserving of a quick discussion.

One of those recent affairs involved a general but massively directed effort to maintain the health of as many people as possible. During that time, I met many people who are considered to be like "Nurse Joy", and they directed me just like any Nurse Joy would to restore Pokémon to good health in general circumstances. Meanwhile, earlier on, I had to have myself go through a health check that was assisted by a couple of people who are "Nurse Joy" in some sense, and they specifically dealt with me just like when a specific Pokémon needed their attention. In either case, their health maintenance tasks are rather evident.

When they have to deal with specific subjects, they really have to deal with them, as with a specific Charmander one time that would eventually become Ash's. Lives may be or are in fact very much at stake, and whether they are Pokémon or human, things have to be dealt with quickly. When only general subjects are involved, the procedure can be quicker due to having been standardized, but no quality is sacrificed, as in healing Pokémon after battling. They must be receptive to the state of the Pokémon and know what they need, and likewise their real-world analogues must be the same for humans.

It seems that no matter whether humans or Pokémon are involved, health is an imperative thing. Humans ought to take care of Pokémon, as Nurse Joy would specifically, and humans must take care of others, as the real-world analogues would. That can be a lot to deal with, but if my recent affairs are of any indication, there are indeed many that are willing to do so in the real world, just like there are many in the Pokémon world. I'm sure that there is always a Nurse Joy for every Pokémon health situation in that world, just like there should be of their analogues for the human situation.

One year ago: Circus You Create

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