Saturday, October 2, 2021

Having Pokémon Friends Over for the Night

I recently had the privilege of being able to lend an overnight stay to one of my friends at my home when my friend really needed it. That friend of mine also happens to be a sizable Pokémon fan in some respects, whom I've also mentioned on this blog in various contexts - that's for the reader to figure out, as it is important but not the point. What is the point is that I'm no stranger to letting friends who I really can trust to be able to stay over if needed, moreover if they are Pokémon fans. And that makes for a good discussion regarding who they might be and what might we do in that time.

Most Pokémon fans play the main series games, and I have the potential of letting one of them stay. If they do, then we might play together to make progress on our adventures no matter where we might be. After assisting, we can then put our teams to face off against each other, which should result in a fun battle or two. If they happen to be VGC players as well, it is likely that we might adapt our battles and assistance toward whatever ruleset might be active at that time; on my end, things might be too meager for VGC, but it might still be helpful regardless. Though the core game is mostly single-player, there is no substitute for a human opponent in battle, and that might happen as my friend stays.

With the world of Pokémon games as today, it is conceivable that my friend would be playing a spinoff game such as the hugely popular Pokémon Go or the fledgling Pokémon Unite. For the latter, we may be able to engage in one or more matches of different types during the stay; for the former, short tours of neighborhood PokéStops and Gyms might be possible, as well as PvP bouts of different kinds depending on whim and necessity. If the game happens to be entirely different, things may still just be workable by playing the same game together. With my friend, any possibility might be open.

Of course, it is possible for my friend to play the TCG or not be too involved with the games (alternatively, only with collectibles). The latter case might prompt a few exchanges of collectibles if possible during the stay, while the former case might prompt a few test matches with certain decks, possibly if my friend brought more than one as I'm not always fully equipped to play the TCG. In both cases, the fun might be a little more strained than with other cases, but my friend and I should always be able to have some fun.

Currently, I'm not certain if and when that Pokémon friend of mine will be able to stay another night at my place, but I'm open for the possibility if my friend is also open. And since my friend is a respectable Pokémon fan, that means possibilities of playing certain Pokémon games or initiating certain exchanges while my friend stays the night. As for what those possibilities might be, it will have to wait until the perfect opportunity for my friend to come and stay over. The same goes for all my other friends who are Pokémon fans and desire or need to stay over, at which point certain Pokémon things might just happen.

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