Saturday, January 15, 2022

Let's Talk About A Fourth Party

Me: You know, we've had these three-way conversations for a good long while now.

Ash: Yeah! I remember when you first thought it up so you and I can talk about things when you send me to events and stuff, but then we just did it whenever we really needed just to talk.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["I remember!"]

Me: It's really great for that. Now, sometimes others can join in, like for when we had May, Brock, and others - though that's mostly from when I send you to places.

Ash: Those were great too! I'm a little sad that it would be hard for that to happen again with them.

Me: So am I. Which leads me to think, for when we talk in general, maybe we could have someone else join in and make things a little different.

Ash: Who do you want to join with us?

Me: I think you'd know. He's a research partner of yours, he's got a great attitude, and... I've taken a bit of a liking for him as well, just like for you.

Ash: Oh! That would mean-

Goh: Hi!

Me: Say hello to Goh, and welcome to the club.

Ash: All right! Glad to have you with us!

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["That's nice!"]

Me: Since this is the first time Goh is here, I'd like to converse with just him for a bit first.

Goh: Okay, well, I'm new anyway here. So what's the deal?

Me: You know, I think you're an excellent guy. I've heard about your backstory, and you have a grand goal, as grand as Ash's.

Goh: Thanks! It's been some time since I decided on my goal, and I'm sure that I can make it happen. One way or the other, I'll catch Mew and other Pokémon too.

Me: Your family is also involved with technology, and I like that. I'm not a total expert like them, but I know my way around quite a bit, as I'm sure you do. And your workstation setup is the stuff that dreams are made of.

Goh: Oh! I'm glad you like it! Technology is helpful, isn't it? I'm sure you have your own setup that works for you.

Me: Sure does, even though it's nowhere near like yours. The important thing is that it works.

Goh: I completely agree! So now... what do we talk about?

Ash: We talk about how Pokémon works out for us...

Me: ...and how that also works out for me in my real life.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu, pika chu! ["It's all so great!"]

Goh: You know, that is interesting. All of our lives have Pokémon in some way. For Ash and me, we deal with them all the time. You do that too, but you also deal with your real life half the time. That's impressive.

Me: Believe me, if I could deal with Pokémon all the time, I would. But a double life, one that is like your parents with one field - though mine is in a different field - and another that is like you two with Pokémon, is fine for me for now.

Ash: And we get to see it all happen before our eyes.

Pikachu: Pika pika pika! ["It's wonderful!"]

Goh: I'd have to agree! By the way, I have a few questions. Are there people like me in your life, who catch a lot of Pokémon but don't battle much?

Me: There are, and I know some of them very well. They like their adventure, not so much the battling - but they still do battle when required. Even with battles being a key part of Pokémon, some people still value the adventure aspect, and of course the "catch-them-all" aspect, exactly like what you do.

Goh: I heard that some people are not fond of me. Is that true?

Me: Whether or not it's true, I doubt the real reason is that they're not fond of you outright; the real reason might be that they don't know you very well - much like (I confess) myself until some time ago. Now the fact that you're here means that you are deserving of my full appreciation, and nothing else.

Goh: Thank you! Oh yeah, what's this about sending Ash to places?

Me: Oh, that's a fascinating part of my life plus Pokémon. Ash helps me out by going to certain events and things, and we make our presence known by doing so.

Ash: It's a great thing! Maybe someday you can get in on the fun.

Pikachu: Pi pika, pika chu! ["It's a lot of fun!"]

Me: I'd love to do it myself for you, Goh - to send you - but I have no plans for that, and even if I do, it's mostly with Ash being involved. But if I can get someone to help out with and for you, then we might just have something in our hands. And as you say...

Goh: The future is in the palm of my hand!

Me: And we have lots of hands around here, so that means we all have our "futures", which is good. But that can also mean we have a "shared future", and that's even better - especially with Pokémon.

Ash: I still have battles to win!

Goh: And I still want to catch more Pokémon!

Me: Likewise, I still have a few hopes and dreams that I want to fulfill with Pokémon and more.

Pikachu: Pika chu, pika pika chu! ["They're all great!"]

Me: This party of four wants to take on the world, and if anything, Pokémon will show us the way.

Ash, Goh: Yeah!

One year ago: I Need Good Energy
Three years ago: Keeping Up with VGC
Four years ago: Here Comes an Ex-Raid

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