Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Keeping Up with VGC

As much as I try to keep up with everything about Pokémon, there are some things that I (inevitably) lag behind with. One of those things is VGC battling using the main series games, which is undoubtedly a pinnacle for those really interested in Pokémon. This is something I've mentioned in a post about being stuck in disillusionment two months ago, and now it seems to be something I have to expand on. Admittedly, it's gotten somewhat troublesome personally.

The structure of VGC this (competitive) year seems to compound the problems. As I've previously noted, it's actually divided into the three series of Sun, Moon, and Ultra. I tend to be slow in the preparation of my teams, so this structure presents the challenge that if I don't prepare teams quickly enough, I'm left in the dust... which I am. The series just transitioned to the second one (Moon), so I'd need to prepare teams that fit this condition. But perhaps the biggest constraint is that I'm now also preparing my future, Pokémon or otherwise, and though VGC would qualify for the former, I have to take what I can move into and contribute the most at the moment, and VGC doesn't quite yet measure up.

In that sense, I've become like a friend who I might have mentioned previously, and whose situation is much like this... at least, the last time I checked. We may still be in the same boat. The only really major difference is that he's somewhat more adept than I am in VGC, and he was actually one of the few that offered assistance as I reported in a post last year. At this point, it may be infeasible for assistance, which means if I were to craft a team, it would be primarily with what I can scrounge up, which seems to have always been the case with VGC and be why the priority is low.

I'm still fond of VGC, though; three years ago, I had participated with a better-looking team, though still scrounged up, and didn't really make headway regardless. I'm also in occasional contact with those who are still into this. Most importantly, this concerns the main series of Pokémon games, which is something I'll always play - it's the reason why I have this blog today. Any efforts I've taken regarding this area of Pokémon is surely worth to be discussed on this blog, which is an incentive to still maintain some interest in it. Yet for the time being, it has to be contained somewhat.

VGC has been problematic for me on many occasions, but this time may be the most problematic of all because I can't seem to keep up. But if this post is any indication, I still maintain observation on it, because it's just as much part of Pokémon as any other things related to it. And I'll still observe, observe, and observe - but then I'll jump back in when the time is right. At that point, I can then say that I have kept up.

One year ago: Here Comes an Ex-Raid
Two years ago: Cosplay: AsiA Cosplay Competition, Day 2

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