Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Indomaret Promotional TCG Cards

Along with mentioning the big anniversary of the Pokémon TCG the other day, I also showed how that was realized with the local TCG through a special pack of anniversary cards, sold in the convenience stores associated with the localized TCG. Of course, besides this special pack and all other necessities for the TCG, there are also the promotional cards that were initiated by a campaign in the middle of last month (though it might have taken time for them to be distributed in the stores). I obtained a few of these promotional cards as well, and they also deserve to be shown.

From two silver envelopes (containing one card each), I received the cards with the Pokémon on them. One of them is of Hoppip, and the other is of Spheal; the former seems appropriate since it's the new year and all, while the latter will become appropriate soon enough. As can be discerned, they are otherwise just like any other normal Pokémon TCG card, with the exception of the store logo on the bottom right corner of the Pokémon image. At the least, they still should be usable in casual play.

Then, there is the much-coveted "Professor's Research" card featuring Professor Willow in the middle, which I received from a blue envelope. The bottom of the card is obscured because it contains the code (note again, unique to each card) that rewards a Special Research set also entitled "Professor's Research" in Pokémon Go; I've already claimed mine, but I still want to keep my code private. I can assure that aside from that, it looks much like the other Professor's Research card that I have, so not much is missed there. 

I received one of the silver envelopes by obtaining the pack of anniversary cards, while the other two was received by way of obtaining a certain piece of Pokémon merchandise, which is to be discussed later. In my experience (and that of a friend), I had to negotiate and confirm to get the cards, though ideally this should have been known beforehand. It may regardless be a useful practice for anything that carries promotional items like these.

On the whole, these promotional cards are a nice touch even if one doesn't play the TCG (much, like me), and the Professor Willow card may be the real treasure, in particular if one plays Pokémon Go. The fact that they're in a different language than English adds an amount of uniqueness and is another proof of the reach that Pokémon has worldwide, even in this very corner of the world and through something as common as a convenience store. 

Two years ago: Jelly-Filled Doughnuts
Three years ago: Cosplay: Bunkasai XXI
Four years ago: The Music of Go
Five years ago: Alt+0233 and Its Kin

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