Monday, January 3, 2022

Two and Two Together

It's somewhat early in the year, but it has happened before (two years ago - see below); moreover, it's been more or less decided. I'm referring to my "yearly themes", which can be and have been references for the things that happen in a year, for which Pokémon is included. This year, the decision is made on the suggestion that a lot of things this year will come in twos, not the least of which is minding the approach to the completion of a second year of current conditions. As such, the "yearly theme" for this year is "Two and Two Together", in consideration of all the things that might just come in this fashion.

The theme obviously takes from the related expression "to put two and two together", which means "to add" in both numerical and ideational senses, but also could mean "to make sense of things" for the latter. What this implies is that there will likely be more things quantitatively, which may also need to be figured out qualitatively. It also takes up reference from the number representing this year (2022), which has three of the number "2" and is likely the only time most people living today will experience it, with the next one being in 2122 and for which I can't guarantee my existence at that point.

What I can guarantee is that there are already a few Pokémon things that will involve the element of "two" in some way. The second of the Sinnoh region games, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, will be released somewhat soon (even with the region called by its former name Hisui instead); "two and two" is four, which is also the numerical designation for the generation containing the fabled region. Then, in the actual month of "two", Pokémon Go will have an event of its own that is further related to "two" and that is to be explained when it becomes pertinent, perhaps at the beginning of that month. 

From this, it can be seen that the element of "two" will be evident in various ways, whether or not as it relates to Pokémon things, for which the things above are just two things. The rest of the things, including the particulars for the things above, would need to be made sense of, which is in line with the theme for this year. Still, it might be harder to establish things long before they come - especially in light of persisting current conditions - but that's what the process of "making sense of things" is for, based on what has been divulged and the things that are eventually divulged.

Now, in this year full of "twos", there are already more semblances of (Pokémon) things happening in such a manner, as if that isn't already one usual modus operandi out of the two for many things related to Pokémon. The things will happen, and so will the analytical processes that would help to understand about them and allow for the best use out of them. Regardless, whether they come in twos or not, Pokémon things are always the best for their fans, and it doesn't take much for one to put two and two together; this is at least something to be expected of this year.

One year ago: A Dream with Partners
Two years ago: A Clear Vision
Three years ago: Home and Heart... and Hope
Four years ago: Now Accepting Donations

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