Friday, January 7, 2022

A Movie-Watching Dream

Sometimes, when I have a dream, I become unable to tell how much of it was significant and how much of it wasn't. This particularly applies to Pokémon dreams, which come about every once in a while. In this case, I had a Pokémon dream a couple of days ago after not having one for some time, yet I had some difficulties in understanding what I had just dreamed about then. But after making some strides to comprehend the dream, I was able to determine that it was a Pokémon dream in some ways, and I also decided to write up about it.

In the dream, I was watching a Pokémon movie with Pichu in it, much like the ones that preceded certain feature films; I wasn't alone, but I couldn't tell who else was watching with me, although I'm certain that there were some friends. The place I was watching the movie appeared to be a mix of a theater as well as a viewing room, and the movie itself appeared to be played from videotapes, a relic of watching past movies. Some happenings also occurred in the process, from not being able to find the place to others that interrupted the experience. Regardless, I enjoyed watching the movie and was enjoying myself in the dream... until I woke up and had to consider what I had just dreamed, and to record as much as I can about it.

The dream I had a couple of days ago might represent a blending of the past and the future, given the movie appeared to be recent despite being on old technology (videotapes). There is a suggestion that I ought to (continue to) find ways of bridging the past into the future, specifically Pokémon past - whether of mine or others - into Pokémon future. This blog will certainly continue that role, but there is also the suggestion that other ways also need to be involved; in fact, I've already thought up of such a way and made some efforts, but really, it still needs to be saved for later, when the time is right.

Perhaps the difficulty in perceiving the dream lies in the incongruity of the elements, though some of my other Pokémon dreams had other incongruous elements as well. What isn't incongruous or difficult, however, seems to be my sense of Pokémon elements in the dream, which ascertains the dream being as such. That much seems to be quite significant, which ought to be significant for any Pokémon dream that I have as well.

One year ago: Previous Plus One
Three years ago: Family Affairs
Four years ago: Rethinking Salt

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