Thursday, January 13, 2022

Goh's Workstation Setup

I've been on a binge of watching the Pokémon anime, particularly of Journeys or the (start of the) "world saga" and certainly through one of the means I've detailed in the post about streaming Pokémon anime episodes. Something that caught my eye in one of the episodes - and this makes it obvious which one I'm referring to - is Goh's workstation in that episode, which is present in his (real) family home rather than his home-away-from-home of the laboratory of Professor Cerise. It also has a fascinating setup, which I've decided to highlight and discuss.

The "workstation" that I'm referring to is that in IT parlance, which refers to computers and associated peripherals, often with sophisticated capabilities for one to do real work on, hence the name. For Goh, his is quite sophisticated indeed. In addition to the usual menagerie of PC equipment, Goh's setup has an astounding six monitors in a 3 by 2 grid, plus extra space on his right for a tablet device. His parents deal with computers after all, and Goh is a prodigy himself, so the former would have no trouble in making such a setup work for the latter.

As for the usage of this workstation, it is certainly to conduct research on Pokémon as if Goh is a fledgling Pokémon Professor - which he could technically be considered, along with Ash, as the "research fellows" of Professor Cerise. The workstation would be for observing Pokémon anywhere in the world, noting down particularities and peculiarities, and possibly - just possibly - to gather and write them all up in reports that would be useful for research... as well as school, for which Goh might still have one or two ties.

Goh describes his parents as "magicians" in a sort of way with what they do. In the same way, Goh's workstation could itself be considered "magical" if, aside from what he does day in and day out with Ash as a "research fellow", it helps out with the things that he has been able to do or come up with, as evident throughout the entire run of Journeys. That's enough to catch my eye, and so is this impressive workstation setup, which is a dream for any hard-working researchers out there, Pokémon or otherwise.

One year ago: The Rain and Pokémon
Four years ago: My Pokémon Show
Five years ago: Pokémon and Cosplay

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