Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The State of Nominations, Part 14

This post might seem a little bit too early to make at this point in time in the month, but I feel that today is a good time as any as close to the end of the month as possible to make the post. I speak, of course, of my currently bimonthly updates on my progress of nominating new PokéStops in Pokémon Go, which is often affected by different factors. This time, the affecting factor is significance, whether in the process of making the nominations or the waiting period afterwards. That has led to a few associated impacts to the progression.

The hard numbers ought to illustrate how that may be so in some ways. From the last time, I've gained an additional approved nomination, leading to a total of 65 from 64; unfortunately, I've also gained another rejected nomination, making the total 30 from 29, while there was no change in superseded nominations (13). For the nominations that are currently active, now there are 24 of them, up by 7 from 17, and still with 3 renominations. Thus, on one hand, I have not been able to take advantage of the increased possible nominations to increase my own submissions significantly, but on the other hand, I'm also trying to make sure that each of my nominations have significance - at least when I'm out and about and consider that something might be as such, at which point I take pictures for the nominations and make them as soon as possible.

Still, it also means that from the last time out, it seems that not much progress has apparently taken place in the evaluation of submitted nominations. It may be that the progression in Niantic Wayfarer, where the nominations go to get reviewed and decided after being submitted, is entering one of those "bleak" periods where nothing seemingly advances (significantly). This may be what happened with India, as the nominations there had accrued into a "backlog" that was only cleared in December (and is still progressing today). Therefore, it may be expected that there could be a similar effort for local nominations, and then a flurry of nominations will have their fates decided - but that's for time to tell.

Speaking of Niantic Wayfarer, as of the start of this year, e-mail notifications of submitted nominations are no longer formatted with Pokémon Go framing, and instead utilize the framing of Niantic Wayfarer, which is obvious as that is where the nominations go. The content is also more descriptive, containing all the parts of the submitted nominations, and in the case of edits, what PokéStop is being edited and the proposed changes. Regrettably, however, rejections now no longer display the reasons in the e-mail - as a result of being merged with approval e-mails - and must now be checked in Wayfarer itself. This might be an actual and significant incentive to gain access to Wayfarer for me personally, which I might do when the time is right.

After the previous two months, PokéStop nomination progress has seemingly been significant in some ways and less so in others. Despite all of that (non-)significance, it seems to still be worth it to maintain the progress of reporting on them in the hope that something really significant will result in the next time. The ultimate significant goal of this is certainly to make more PokéStops available where possible, which is hard not to overlook.

Five years ago: Keychains!

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